warning :
The site of Sperm Production:

Just consider the case of a rose.It is grown in a garden and nourished there.Later on it is brought to a shop from where a customer buys it.
A customer could say that he gets a rose from a flowers shop.It is not wrong.
The florist and the suppliers would say that the roses come from the garden and believe me,they are really true.
Same is the case of sperm.
It is formed in testicles,and the testicles are descended from a point just opposite to the point of formation of ribs.
1.The arterial supply of gonads i.e testicular artery,is a branch of ABDOMINAL AORTA which runs,and the rib cage is in front of abdominal aorta,and posteriolaterally,there is vertebral column.Blood,and thus oxygen as well as nutrients for semen are carried via this route (the seminal vesicles and ejaculatory ducts are also supplied by the same blood supply)

2.If we trace the embryogenesis,The reproductive organs and kidneys are developed from the intermediate mesoderm,the origin is same and the point is BETWEEN RIBS AND FUTURE SPINE.
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3.The venous drainage is at the point where there are ribs anteriorly and spine posteriorly,the left testicular vein,drains into left renal vein.
4.Nerve supply:The testes are embryologically derived from the same level as the kidneys and, therefore, share a common level of innervation, that being the T10-L1 level for pain conduction and T10-L2 for sympathetic innervation.
The sperms are produced from testicles and the place of origin of testicles is between the ribs and backbone.
The descent of the testicles does not mean that their relation with their place of origin has obscured,rather their arterial supply (i.e for the blood,Oxygen and nutrients) nerve supply and the venous drainage is still present between the ribs and backbone.
Response to “The Quran on Semen Production” | Rebuttal to ...
New oocytes from bone marrow? | The Scientist Magazine®
Bone marrow may be source of new egg-cell generation - News Medical
It is a nerve that descends from the tenth thoracic vertebra (T10) (note the relationship with the lesions) to the second lumbar vertebra, and there it branches and takes its way up to the testes.
https://www.sciencedirect.com/.../inferior-hypogastric.'' by mahmoud
Ovulation - YouTube
Both the testes and the ovaries, in the initial stages of their development, are near the kidneys, in a location between the backbone and the ribs, that is, between the midpoint of the spine and opposite the lowest ribs. Then when the testes and ovaries have migrated to their final locations in the body, they are supplied with arterial blood and controlled by nerves that are connected to a place in the body that is located between the backbone and the ribs. Thus the truth of what the Holy Qur’aan said has become clear, but science has only discovered it recently, thirteen hundred years after this Book was revealed. After developing, the testes and ovaries both descend to their places in the body. The testes descend to their place in the scrotum and the ovaries descend to their place in the pelvis, near the fallopian tubes.
at the end of the seventh month of gestation; the ovaries descend to the female’s pelvis. … However, nourishment continues to reach the testes or ovaries via the circulatory, nervous and lymphatic systems from the point where they originated, i.e., from between the backbone and ribs. The arteries that supply the testes or ovaries come from the aorta, from between the backbone and the ribs, and the veins coming from the testes end in the same region, i.e., between the backbone and the ribs. The nerves to the testes and ovaries come from a group of nerves that exist beneath the stomach, between the backbone and the ribs. The lymphatic vessels also end in the same area, i.e., between the backbone and the ribs.
'' Modern science affirms that the water that does not gush, and only flows, is secretions from the vagina and Bartholin’s glands that are connected to it. These secretions play no role in the formation of the foetus; rather their function is to lubricate the vagina. But modern science has discovered something amazing: the sperm is carried by gushing water, which is the semen, but the egg in the ovary forms in the Graafian follicle surrounded by water. When the follicle ruptures, the water gushes forth and is caught by the fimbriae of the fallopian tube, where it meets the sperm to form the “Nutfah drops of mixed semen (discharge of man and woman)” (cf. al-Isnaad 76:2). This water carries the egg just as the man’s water carries the sperm. In both cases the water gushes, and both emerge from between the backbone and the ribs'' ( via islamqa )
Quoted from: Adrenal Glands:

- Bones marrows produce blood cells (Red, White, platelets).
- Blood is supplied inside the testes and reaches the blood-testes barrier.
- Outside the barrier, blood form the first version of germ cells
- Germ cells traverse the blood-testes barrier and become primary spermatocytes (46 Chromosomes).
- Primary cells divided into 2 x Secondary Spermatocytes of 23 Chromosomes each.
- Secondary Spermatocytes change to Spermatid cells, which finally becomes Sperms.
- When a sperm reaches the egg and it causes pregnancy.
- If all was successful, it develops a new born child: Son or Daughter.
[86:6-8] "Now let man but think from what he is created! He is created from a drop emitted -Proceeding from between the backbone and the ribs:"
[76:3] We have created man from a mingled sperm-drop that We might try him; so We made him hearing, seeing.[86:6] So let man consider from what he is created.[86:7] He is created from a gushing fluid,[86:8] Which issues forth from between the loins and the breast-bones.[86:9] Surely, He has the power to bring him back to life
Bio 101: How Sperm are Made | Biology of Male Reproduction
>> Semen is composed of water and contains every needed nutrients for human body uses. Do you honestly think human testicles have the ability to produce all these nutrients needed? 95-98% of the components of semen are contributed from these glands:
Seminal vesicle (65-75%) >> amino acids, citrate, enzymes, flavins, fructose, phosphorylcholine, prostaglandins, proteins, vitamin C *
Prostate gland (25-30%) >> acid phosphatase, citric acid, fibrinolysin, prostate specific antigen, proteolytic enzymes, zinc *
Where is the location of these glands?
Between the spine and the rib cage!!! *
You may want to see the diagram here for better understanding:
And use your imagination to compile the above image into this diagram:
To know more about semen composition and production, read more here:
Read more about it here:
>> Another interesting fact to be noted here, the semen emission process and ejaculation process are still in harmony with the above Quran verses.
The emission process of semen is mediated by the sympathetic nervous system arising in the spinal cord at the thoracic 10 (ribs) to lumbar 2 (backbone) vertebra level. And the ejaculation process is mediated both by parasympathetic nervous system in sacral vertebra (image below) and somatic nervous system via pudendal nerve (the image is below). *
Human sacral vertebra image:
Pudendal nerve image:
http://www.tipna.org/info/anatomical_images/ComparisonOfPudendalNerveDrawings.jpg (by mohamad ridzwan)
'' It ultimately allows one to interpret the following words in Sura 86:6-7, “between the backbone and the ribs” as referring to the area encompassing the entire viscera of the human body. Below is a graphical representation of this point.''[xlv]
The exact Arabic words: Bain usSulbe watTaraib
Sulb = backbone, loin, lower back;
Taraib = ribs, breastbone, chest.
Bain = between, among, amidst
If one was to insist upon the literal meaning, one would still find that the Quran is 100% correct literally, too. The seminal vesicles are anterior to the sacrum and coccyx (lower back, loin) and the ribs are anterior to the seminal vesicles.
If one was to draw a line from the tip of the coccyx, to the upper portion of the seminal vesicle _ either one of the two_ and extend the line forward it will catch the ribcage.
The seminal vesicles from which the semen spurts out during coitus, lies between the ribs and the coccyx
At this point in time, I think it would be appropriate to define the word ‘loins’, since many people nowadays have weak vocabularies. The word ‘loins’ refers to the genital and pubic area, or the genitalia. So if the Quran says that sperm comes from the genitalia (and it does!), then how is this a scientific error?
the term ‘tara’ib’ means ‘an arch of bones.’ Because of this, some of the early Muslims thought that it could refer to the woman’s rib cage, which encases the uterus. During normal pregnancies, the uterus actually grows underneath and into the rib cage. Dr. William D. McIntosh (M.D.) says to one woman:
…Your uterus is still under your ribs, but the movement is frequently more intense on the right side due to the prescence [sic] of the liver.
(Dr. William D. McIntosh,
The American Pregnancy Association (APA) writes:
BeFitMom.com says:
The ribcage expands enormously during pregnancy to help make room for the expanding uterus and to maintain adequate lung capacity. Many pregnant women experience rib discomfort from this expansion, as well as the occasional little foot or knee that might habitually press against the ribs.
In other words, the word tara’ib could simply be referring to the woman’s uterus, since the rib cage surrounds it.
Another possible meaning for tara’ib could simply be ‘pelvic arch’, where the ovaries are located. Again, tara’ib literally means ‘an arch of bones’. The ribs form an arch of bones and this is why some of the early Muslims considered the tara’ib to be, but the pelvis certainly looks like an arch of bones as well. This is how Muhammad Asad translated the verse:
* The plural noun tarai’b, rendered by me as “pelvic arch”, has also the meaning of “ribs”, or “arch of bones”; according to most of the authorities who have specialized in the etymology of rare Quranic expressions, this term relates specifically to female anatomy. (Taj al-`Arus). (Quran, Ref: 86:7) ( by ahlalhdeeth )
Verse 86:7 - Human Creation***
these verses say nothing whatsoever about the creation of sperm or the creation of anything else. Consequently, they do not inform us of where the creation of sperm takes place. They merely say that the substances under discussion come out form the places being described. The word being used is "yakhruj" meaning "to exit, leave, come out, emerge". It in no way implies anything related to creation or origination.
Secondly, the phrase "mâ' dâfiq" (emitted fluid) is not restricted in meaning to sperm but is used in Arabic for both the sperm and the egg. Ibn Kathîr, in his commentary on this verse, writes: "It emanates from the man and the woman, and with Allah's permission, the child comes forth as a product of both."
Thirdly, the words translated as "backbone" (sulb) and "ribs" (tarâ'ib) are not understood in Arabic to belong to the same person. Arabs understand the "sulb" to refer to a part of the male body and the "tarâ'ib" to a part of the female
Likewise, when we look at the word being translated as "ribs" (tarâ'ib, the plural oftarîbah) we find that it is used linguistically for the general are of the chest and the abdomen. In al-Qâmûs, the famous classical dictionary of al-Fayrûzabâdî it is defined as a number of things: "the bones of the chest or what comes after the two collarbones or what comes between the collarbones and the chest or the four ribs to the right of the chest or the four ribs to the left of the chest or the hands, eyes and feet or the collarbones." Some Companions of the Prophet (peace be upon him) and some Successors had also provided many possible meanings, like the lower ribs and al-Dahhâk's statement that it is the area between the breasts and feet and the eyes (a mere indication of centrality).
This word clearly has a very broad and diverse definition. It is so ambiguous a word that the Companions of the Prophet (peace be upon him) could not give it a precise definition. Scholars of Qur'ânic commentary have consistently admitted to there being at least three different possible meanings for this word as it is used in the verse. This is an admission that they do not know for certain what the tarâ'ib are, except that they generally agree it refers to an area of the woman's body. It can apply to any region nearing the ribcage. Therefore, the area of the ovaries, the fallopian tubes, or the uterus can easily fit into the general area that is being indicated by these verses.
Alleged Contradiction between Qur'an [86:5-7] and Embryology: by ..
Is it Sperm or Human mentioned in Tarik Surah?*
Expulsion is a spinal cord reflex that is mediated by somatic motor components of the perineal branch of the pudendal nerve that originate from nerve roots S2–S4 as well as by concurrent relaxation of external urethral sphincter and urogenital diaphragm.[2]
In men with spinal cord injury, the ability to ejaculate is less common than the ability to obtain an erection. The rate of ejaculation varies depending on the nature and location of the neurological injury. In complete upper motor neuron lesions, the ejaculation rate is estimated at 2 percent. In incomplete upper motor neuron lesions, the ejaculation rate is estimated to be somewhat higher at approximately 32%. Many men who are able to ejaculate experience retrograde ejaculation into the bladder, some may experience dribbling of semen.[3]
'' In embryonic stages, the reproductive organs of the male and female, i.e. the testicles and the ovaries, begin their development near the kidney between the spinal column and the eleventh and twelfth ribs. Later they descend; the female gonads (ovaries) stop in the pelvis while the male gonads (testicles) continue their descent before birth to reach the scrotum through the inguinal canal. Even in adulthood after the descent of the reproductive organs, these organs receive their nerve supply and blood supply from the Abdominal Aorta, which is in the area between the backbone (spinal column) and the ribs. The lymphatic drainage and the venous return also go to the same area.***
'' Whitish colored Testes DESCENDING(Proceeds from) after it's formation in chest region (betweed ribs & spine)
Testes on 8 weeks>>>11 weeks>>>4 lunar months>>>8 lunar months..
Ovaries go through same descend but stop their journey inside pelvis ''
The semen contains many things. Between 95 to 98% of it consists of fructose, prostaglandin hormones, metal and salt ions, lipids, steroid hormones, enzymes, basic amines, and amino acids. All those are produced from the glands located in abdomen. Between 2 to 5% of it consists of the sperms produced in the testicles.....
During coitus that liquid springs from the abdomen (“between the ribcage and the spine”). That is a scientific fact!....
Sex determination and human creation in Islam. - Answering Christianity
A fluid gushing forth” means ejaculation of semen (maain) carrying the sperm (nutfa), one of the minute, usually actively motile gametes-a mature male reproductive cell in semen, which serves to fertilize the female ovum. Sperms are produced by testes. Each testes has 800 small tubules and each tube about 2 feet long, semeniferous tubules which produce sperms about 200-300 million every day. There are 2 valves around urethra. Both are tightly closed to hold and store semen before its expulsion. The inner valve stays tightly closed to prevent backward ejaculation into the urinary bladder and the outer valve intermittently contracts and relaxes 3-7 times along with surrounding muscles contraction to generate force for propelling the semen out (dafiqin). (Ref. Spinal Cord Medicine, Demos Medical Publishing Inc. New York USA, Chapter 26, Page 354).
Sulb is the backbone (vertebral column) and taraib the ribs. There are 12 pairs of ribs. Of them, 7 pairs are called true ribs as each of them is attached between the vertebra (backbone) and the sternum (breast bone), and the remaining 5 are called false ribs as they are also attached to the vertebral column but not to sternum. Ejaculation is a highly complex process which requires smooth coordination of multiple sections of the nervous system. Mechanism of emission and propulsions is caused by 2 spinal cord centers. The spinal cord is 43-45 cm long and is continuation of brain tissue and occupies its place in the center of upper spinal bony vertebral column. It is the proper functioning, integrity and continuity of these 2 spinal cord centers located between vertebrae (sulb) and ribs (taraib) connecting spinal cord and sex organs along with the valves around urethra by the nerves which are responsible for ejaculation. (Ref. Spinal Cord Medicine, Demos Medical Publishing Inc. New York USA, Chapter 2, Page 16
Phases of Sexual Intercourse Masters and Johnson divide the human sexual response into four phases: the excitement phase, the plateau phase, the climax or orgasm, and the resolution phase.7 Sexual excitement begins with psychic stimuli such as anticipation, memory, visual sensation, or with local physical stimulation. In the male, parasympathetic impulses pass from the sacral segment of spinal cord through the nervi erigentes to the penis, causing dilation of the arteries, higher blood flow, and elevated pressure in the erectile tissue of the penis resulting in engorgement and erection. In the female, effects of vasodilation on the clitoris and the vagina are mediated through the same sacral segment. This physiological status is maintained in the plateau phase. At the peak sexualexcitement (orgasm) two phenomena occur: emission and ejaculation.8 When sexual stimulation becomes extremely intense, the reflex centers in the spinal cord begin to send nerve signals or emit rhythmic symphathetic impulses that leave the cord at lumbarsegments L1, L2 and passto the genitalia to initiate emission. Emission begins with peristaltic contraction in the ducts of the testes, epididymis, vas deferens, and ejaculatory ducts causing propulsion of the sperm into the prostatic part of urethra. Simultaneously secretions from the seminal vesicles, prostate, and bulbourethral glands (Cowper’s gland) mix with the sperms to form the semen or seminal fluid. Next, the last wave of reflex nervous mechanism takes place. Rhythmic parasympathetic impulses from the sacral segment S1, S2 leave the cord via the pudendal nerve and cause the internal genital organs and the perineal skeletal muscles (ischiocavernosus and bulbocavernosus muscles) that encase the base of the erectile tissue to contract. The base of the penis is compressed, resulting in the expulsion or ejaculation or forcing out of the semen under tremendous pressure from the prostatic urethra to the deep recesses of the vagina. The pressure of the “gushing fluid” is so great that it can be expelled 12- 24 cm away from the urethral meatus outside the vagina.The spinal cord ends at the level between first and second lumbar vertebrae. The spinal segments, L1, L2 and S1, S2 are enclosed within the first and second lumbar vertebrae, which are below the thoracic ones where the ribs meet the backbone. Thus we have seen that the nerve signals to expel the semen or the “gushing fluid” is issued from the lumbar and sacral segments of the spinal cord, which lie below the level of the 12th ribs on either side and above L3 vertebra or “between the backbone and the ribs,” as the Qur’an says. Great pressure is mounted through reflex mechanism for the seminal fluid to travel a distance of 20 cm through the urethra, which is the common passage for urine and semen (“the base fluid”) in the males. The mechanism works so well that during ejaculation the internal urethral sphincter contracts preventing the urine from entering the urethra and preventing back flow (reflux) of the semen into the bladder. Female orgasm also occurs through the same nervous pathway. Thereafter the resolution or pre-excitation status returns. Incidentally, the testes and ovaries are intraabdominal organs in the fetus and lie on its posterior abdominal wall at the level of the upper lumbar vertebrae. As explained before, herein lie the spinal centers, which mediate emission and ejaculation. The testes descend to the scrotum about two months before delivery because the temperature outside the body is more conducive for the viability of the spermsThe author would like to emphasize in no uncertain terms that his attempt is an interpretation and categorically denies that this is the only possible or the only correct meaning of the the Glorious Qur’an, Chapter 86, Verses 5-7. The Qur’an is Allah’s speech, and only He knows the absolute meaning of His revelations. But we should strive to search and discover the hidden pearls, especially the scientific ones, scattered within its pages. The Qur’an is a marvelous book of guidance, an ever-flowing fountain of knowl.edge and, as Pickthall praises the Almighty’s irreproducible Criterion (Furqan) in a splendid musical metaphor, an “inimitable symphony, the very sounds of which move men to tears and ecstasy.”10 In this article I explained in detail the mechanism of ejaculation of the seminal fluid and how the nerve impulses are discharged from the lumbar and sacral segments of the spinal cord that lie within the first two lumbar vertebrae, which are below the 12th ribs and above the remaining lumbar and sacral vertebrae (backbone). As the Qur’an uniquely summarizes it, the nerve impulses are discharged “between the backbone and the ribs.”( by kader b. mohamet )
'' the bone affects the production of semen in the testicles by secreting the osteocalcin hormone.
2. the relationship of back bones (steel) and chest ribs (lesions) to ejaculation during sexual intercourse, because in the spinal cord inside the vertebrae (steel) there are nerve foci that are tasked with controlling and conducting the ejaculation during exercise Sex, these nerve assemblies are called the "Spinal Ejaculation Generator" and are responsible for controlling the sensory and motor information coming from the brain and from the nerves of the pelvic region and causing the ejaculation process by stimulating the "hypogastric ganglion"
It is a nerve that descends from the tenth thoracic vertebra (T10) (note the relationship with the lesions) to the second lumbar vertebra, and there it branches and takes its way up to the testes.
https://www.sciencedirect.com/.../inferior-hypogastric.'' by mahmoud
A new study from researchers at NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory has proposed the "water world" theory as the answer to the evolution, which describes how electrical energy naturally produced at the sea floor might have given rise to life.
While the hypothesis had already been proposed as "submarine alkaline hydrothermal emergence of life", the new report has unified years of field, laboratory and theoretical research into a grand picture.
The findings suggest that life may have begun inside warm, gentle springs on the sea floor, which bubbled billions of years ago when Earth's oceans took over the whole planet. The springs - as opposed to the scalding hot, acidic hydrothermal vents proposed by researchers in the 1980s - are cooler and alkaline.
So let man observe from what he was created.
He is created from a water gushing forth.
There are two Interpretation for this Verse ; the ancient interpretation (Declared as Uncertain and Indeterminate by ancient interpreters : The Scholar Imam Al’Ttabari ; An Ancient respected Interpreter, Said :“the interpreters differed in the interpretation) and there is the modern Interpretation !
Scientists confirmed in 2002 that by adding a montmorillonite clay to a solution of fatty acid micelles (lipid spheres), the clay sped up the rate of vesicles formation 100-fold.
-Doubts have been raised about whether natural non-biological synthesis of RNA is possible.
-In 2003 it was proposed that porous metal sulfide precipitates would assist RNA synthesis at about 100 °C (212 °F) and ocean-bottom pressures near hydrothermal vents.
86:6 Quran
He is created from a water gushing forth
Verse :Allah has created every [living] creature from water.And of them are those that move on their bellies and of them are those that walk on two legs, and of them are those that walk on four. Allah creates what He wills. Indeed, Allah is over all things competent. Quran.com/24/45
In this (above-mentioned ) hypothesis, lipid membranes would be the last major cell components to appear and until they did the proto-cells would be confined to the pores.
It has been suggested that double-walled "bubbles" of lipids like those that form the external membranes of cells may have been an essential first step of life (see Theory: Membranes first: Lipid world).
. Experiments that simulated the conditions of the early Earth have reported the formation of lipids, and these can spontaneously form liposomes, double-walled "bubbles", and then reproduce themselves.
-Volcanic outgassing probably created the primordial atmosphere and then the ocean; but the atmosphere contained almost no oxygen and so would have been toxic to most modern life including humans.
-At first, the released oxygen was bound up with limestone, iron, and other minerals. The oxidized iron appears as red layers in geological strata called banded iron formations that formed in abundance during the Siderian period (between 2500 Ma and 2300 Ma)
-Bruce Damer and David Deamer have come to the conclusion that cell membranes cannot be formed in salty seawater, and must therefore have originated in freshwater. Before the continents formed, the only dry land on Earth would be volcanic islands, where rainwater would form ponds where lipids could form the first stages towards cell membranes. These predecessors of true cells are assumed to have behaved more like a superorganism rather than individual structures, where the porous membranes would house molecules which would leak out and enter other protocells. Only when true cells had evolved would they gradually adapt to saltier environments and enter the ocean.
Muhsin Khan
He is created from a water gushing forth.
He is created from a gushing fluid
About this Verse : In translating Scientific facts; the translators Often follow the foremost interpretations of the ancient scholars, the ancients followed the assiduity , but does not mean they were always exact.
About the verse above , I found a translator translated “ Water to Semen”. (Yes The Semen is a gushing fluid and the Semen called fluid ,but God mentioned ماء –Water ) .And in the next Verse he translated two words to other words ,which the translation is Indeterminate (The Scholar Imam Al’Ttabari ; An Ancient respected Interpreter, Said :“the interpreters differed in the interpretation”; concerning the two Words). ; because there are many interpretations for this two words (The interpreter should mention that ! Nevertheless, his interpretation confirmed , by scientific analyses ).
The two words are (الصلب and الترائب)
-The direct translation of the word (الصلب) sulb is the Solid .The Synonyms are ; the Adamant, The Rock , the rigid , the Good , the Strong, or the stubborn, the Objects …
-About الترائب) ) taraib , It reminds of أتربة) ) the Arabic plural of Dust (But different meaning).According to the translation from My Computer ;the synonyms found , (of the word الترائب) )) are Three :
1=>(Aforethought –providence – Elaboration-Grounding (تهيئة-
2=>( Upbringing - Nurture –Develop- Raise – ( تنشئة
3=>(Concoction – تأهيل - Preparation)
For more ,Please use Google traduction .
-You may Conclude that ;
Conceivably, Our lord Created Us in a Period ; began Certainly with the Aforethought and providence . The bubbled Water , contained molecules , transformed in exactness. The Water Ejected forth from between Solids (rocks). This basic period end with the formation , the developing or the rising by the upbringing or nurture ( crystalisarion structures) .(The Nurture ; ’’Metaphor ‘’ , the ADN (DNA) Contains Carbon… ) ( by marwan wattach )
The first atoms formed in the universe after the Big Bang were hydrogen (n = 1, n = atomic number) and helium (n = 2). The atoms that are heavier than these and make up the human structure are (oxygen (n = 8), carbon (n = 6), nitrogen (n = 7), calcium (n = 20), phosphorus (n = 15), potassium (n = 19), sulfur (n=16), sodium (n=11), chlorine (n=17), magnesium (n=12), fluorine (n=9) and iron (n=26)) by fusion reaction in the cores of stars. has been formed. With the supernova explosion of these stars, the atoms formed in the core spread throughout space. The iron atom has a different feature. Once iron atoms are formed in the star core, they do not allow heavier atoms to form, the fusion reaction cannot occur, causing the star to collapse into itself. The star explodes in a supernova explosion, spreading iron atoms and atoms lighter than iron into space, leaving behind a neutron star. Atoms (elements) heavier than iron cannot form in supernova explosions.
How were atoms (elements) heavier than iron formed?
Answer: Neutron stars
Until today, it was not known exactly how these heavy atoms were formed. It was known from the physics and mathematical models that atoms heavier than iron could not form in supernovae, but there was no proven answer. A miraculous event happened in 2017. The collision of two neutron stars as they rotated around each other (binary system) in a galaxy 130 million light years away could be seen for the first time. This collision released emissions at many frequencies, including gravitational waves and visible light. When this emission spectrum was examined, it was conclusively proven that neutron stars scatter large amounts of elements heavier than iron into space. Neutron stars provide the formation of all atoms (elements) heavier than iron.
What are the atoms heavier than iron that are indispensable for life in the human body?
Atoms heavier than iron found in the human body and necessary for life: Zinc (n = 30), copper (n = 29), iodine (n = 53), selenium (n = 34), molybdenum (n = 42), Cobalt (n). =27), nickel (n=28).
Where did the atoms heavier than iron, which are indispensable for life in the human body, come from?
Answer: Tariq star (Neutron stars)
What effects do these heavy atoms scattered into space by the Tariq star have on the human body?
In verse 4, Almighty Allah says: There is no soul that does not have a protector over it. In other words, there is no human being who does not have a protector. Although there are many biological systems that protect people (enzymes that protect cells, enzymes that destroy toxic substances, anti-oxidant substances that protect organs), the most important of these is the immune system. It can be seen with a little research that these heavy atoms are necessary for a healthy defense system.
Copper: Immune system (formation of white blood cells), wound healing, formation of new blood vessels, healthy skin development, connective tissue development
Zinc: Immune system, wound healing, skin health
Selenium: Immune system, anti-oxidant
Molybdenum: Immune system, formation of enzymes that remove toxins from the body
Cobalt: Plays a role in the immune system, vitamin B12 metabolism, protects myelin in nerve cells, and the formation of thyroid enzymes.
Iodine: In the production of thyroid hormone, this hormone is necessary for the functioning of all cells in the body. Immune system
Nickel: Protection of RNA molecule, milk production, effect on iron absorption
As a result, the following can be said clearly.
In verses 1-5 of Surah Tariq, Almighty Allah described the features of the star Tariq (Neutron star) and stated that the heavy atoms produced by these stars play a role in the protective systems of the human body, and He definitely informed us that the Quran is from Allah. This information could only be understood in 2017 with modern science and advanced technology. The inclusion of this information in the Holy Quran shows that the Quran comes only from the Almighty Allah, the creator of the universes and neutron stars.
Hulika min mâin dâfik.
|86|7|يَخْرُجُ مِنۢ بَيْنِ ٱلصُّلْبِ وَٱلتَّرَآئِبِ
Yahrucu min beyni s-sulbi ve t-terâib.
(دَافِقٍ) The root of the word dafikin (دفق) means pour out-pour forth, pour out-pour forth vehemence, pour out-pour abundantly. It means forth copiously, abundantly).
The origin of the word (مَآءِ) mai is the word (موه). The letter (ه) was eliminated, removed, erased. and the letter (و). turned into (آ). The meanings of this word; Hans Wehr 4th ed., page 1094 (of 1303): water means liquid substance, fluid, fluid.
(يَخْرُجُ) The root of the word yehrucu (خرج) means come out, go out, emerge.
The root of the word bain (بَيْنِ) (بين) means to separate, to move away (far distant), to separate until they become separate parts (be eminent), to appear as separate parts (appear distinctly).
(ٱلصُّلْبِ) The root of the word s-sulbi (صلب) means very firm (firm), hard (rigid), very hard (stiff), very solid (robust), very durable (sturdy). , means very strong. In the sense of being solid, this word also has the meaning of spine bone (vertebra).
(ٱلتَّرَآئِبِ) The root of the word tteraibi (ترب) means dust, bounded with dust. Another meaning of this word is the bone between the two breasts (sternum bone).
We know that some verses in the Quran are mutashabih(It means "similar", "similar to each other in such a way that it is difficult to distinguish". As a term, it refers to a phrase or expression that is difficult to understand because it has more than one possibility in terms of meaning.) verses. It is possible to say that these verses are also mutashabih. As science develops and human knowledge increases, different reflections of the verse emerge.
However, after emphasizing the Tariq star (Neutron star-Pulsar) in verses 1-5, Almighty Allah presents us the creation of man as evidence and when the commonly used meanings of the words are taken into consideration, it can be seen that it points to a great scientific fact. These verses have much greater meanings.
What is the process of a giant star exploding as a supernova, scattering dust-particles around, and collapsing into the star to form the Tariq star (Neutron star-Pulsar)?
The nuclei of stars 10-29 times larger than our Sun form atoms-elements through a fusion reaction. For example, 2 hydrogen atoms combine to turn into a helium atom. All atoms-elements lighter than iron (Lithium, beryllium, boron, carbon, nitrogen, fluorine, neon, sodium, magnesium, aluminum, silicon, phosphorus, sulfur, chlorine, oxygen, nitrogen, fluorine, potassium) until the iron atom with atomic number 26 is formed. , calcium, etc.) are formed by fusion in different layers of the star. When the iron atom is formed, things change completely. The iron atom is the star's death sentence. The iron atom formed in the core of the star cannot enter into the fusion reaction and causes the star to collapse with incredible force. With this implosion, the outer layers of the star explode into space in a very short time. This is called a typical supernova explosion. During the implosion, the electrons of the iron atoms enter the nucleus and combine with protons, resulting in an incredibly dense (a star 10-29 times larger than our Sun becomes a sphere with a diameter of only 10 km), incredibly dense (there are not even atoms), consisting of only neutrons. It forms a star that is hard and incredibly solid. The matter of this neutron star is so solid and hard that a neutron star matter the size of a matchbox weighs 3 billion tons. If we dropped marble-sized neutron star matter onto the surface of the Earth, it would come out directly from the opposite side of the Earth. No material we know on Earth (steel, carbon fiber, iron, etc.) can even be compared to the strength and solidity of the neutron star.
The above elements formed in the layers of the star with the supernova explosion are scattered into space in the form of abundant dust. Elements lighter than iron in these powders enter into a chemical reaction and form many organic substances (Many carbon-based organic substances: monomers and polymers: Carbonitrates, etc.). Since the most abundant elements are hydrogen and oxygen, plenty of water molecules (H2O) are also formed. These water molecules and many organic molecules form a soup-like mixed liquid. In this liquid there are basic molecules that played a role in the creation of man.
It has been understood by supercomputer models that the first water in the universe was formed in supernova explosions. In the article below, published in 2018, it is conclusively shown that the shock waves and heat generated in the supernova explosion combine hydrogen and oxygen atoms to form water (H2O).
So how did this happen?
Billions of supernova explosions took place in our Milky Way galaxy over billions of years, and the liquid substance containing organic matter and water formed from these explosions spread and dispersed throughout the galaxy. Due to the effect of gravity, they turned into dust clouds (nebulae) with a width of 1-2 light years in some places. These nebulae are called smoke in the Quran. Then, Almighty God turned to this cloud of smoke to form our solar system, our Earth and us. It started to rotate this dust cloud under the influence of gravity. The center of these gas-dust clouds rotating in the form of a giant disk became so hot and compressed that it shone for the first time and a T-Tauri star, our baby Sun, was born. With this flash ('protoplanetary disc'), it moved away from the star and continued to rotate. During this rotation, the materials clustered and first formed small objects such as pebbles, which combined to form objects about 200 meters in size, and then larger objects were formed. The largest object in orbit formed a round-ball shape as the smaller objects in front of it both rotated around itself and revolved around the Sun. While this round object continued to rotate around the Sun and around itself, it swept and absorbed the materials on its orbit, cleared its orbit, thus swollen, grew, expanded and took the first form of our Earth, called 'hadean'.
Alright; Where was the liquid formed as a result of supernova explosions and from which humans were created, when our Solar system was being formed?
The rocks containing the liquid containing water and organic molecules described above, which were formed by supernova explosions that took place billions of years ago, revolve around the Sun in a frozen state in the outer parts of our solar system, in the form of billions of small pieces. According to one hypothesis, the orbit of the gas giant Jupiter shifted slightly towards the Sun, directing pieces of matter containing this frozen organic soup-like liquid in front of it towards the Earth. These pieces, directed towards the Earth, rained down on the Earth from the sky for millions of years. Eventually the oceans on Earth formed. Water and organic matter in the world's oceans formed all living things through the process of evolution.
In the verse 21:30, 'Do those who disbelieve not see that the heavens and the earth were joined together and We separated them? We created every living thing from water (liquid). Will they still not believe?'
Almighty Allah orders human beings and every living thing living on Earth in Chapters 6-7. He created this liquid, which consists of water and organic molecules, formed by the separation of the very hard and very dense neutron star and dust cloud described in the verses (Supernova explosion), from space onto the Earth and caused it to undergo an evolution process on the Earth.
by Prof. Dr. İbrahim Esinler
1. The most potent of the fluid distributed all over the body is ejected out as semen.
2. There are vessels from every part of the body which reaches the penis and through which the semen is spilled.
3. The body parts from brain to hip, especially in the marrow of vertebrae, this fluid is scattered about.
4. The semen reaching the spinal cord passes through the vessels across the kidneys.
5. From kidneys, through the testicles, this flows to the penis.
If we compare the regions being described by Hippocrates (the whole body) and the Quran (area between loins and ribs) it becomes clear that the claim that Prophet Muhammad ﷺ plagiarised from Hippocrates is fallacious. !! ( by i.bashir )
By analysing what Hippocrates and the Quran actually teach on semen production it becomes rather clear that they are discussing different things - and the claim that the latter plagiarised from the former has no basis