7 Nisan 2018 Cumartesi

mountains and earhquakes

Quran never said, Mountains prevent earthquakes [Zakir Naik] by mahir adnan
in Surah Luqman, Ch. No. 31 Verse No.10, as well as in Surah Nahl, Ch. No. 16, Verse No. 15, that…

‘We have made the mountains standing firm on the Earth, lest it would shake with them and with you.’

The function of the mountain in the Qur’an, is given to prevent the Earth from shaking. Nowhere does the Qur’an say that the mountain prevents the earthquake.

And Dr. William Campbell said - He writes in his book, and even the talk, that… ‘You find in the mountains regions, there are various earthquakes, and mountains cause earthquake.’
 Point to be noted- Nowhere does the Qur’an say that mountains prevent earthquake. The Arabic word for ‘earthquake’ as Dr. William Campbell knows Arabic, is ‘zilzaal’ or‘zalzala’- But  the words used in these three Verses I quoted, it is ‘Tamida.’ ‘Tamida’ means ‘to shake’, ‘to ‘sway’,  ‘to swing.’ And Qur’an says in Surah Luqman, Ch. 31, Verse No. 10, as well as Surah Nahl, Ch. No. 16 Verse No. 15…

‘We have put on the earth mountains standing firm, lest it would shake with you.

It is ‘tamide bikum’…‘Shake with you’, ...

according to Dr. Frank Press and Dr. Najjat who is from Saudi Arabia, and he wrote a full book on the Geological concepts in theQur’an, answering almost every thing what Dr. William Campbell has said - in detail. And Dr. William Campbell in his book, he writes that…‘If mountains prevent the shaking of the earth, then how come you find earthquakes in the mountains regions.’

I said, No where does the Qur’an say, mountains prevent earthquake. Earthquake is ‘zilzaal’ - and if you see the definition in the Oxford dictionary, it says… Earthquake is due to convulsion of the superficial crust of the Earth, due to relief of compressed Siesmic waves, due to crack in the rock, or due to volcanic reaction. The Qur’an speaks about ‘zalzala’in Surah Zalzaal, Ch. 99
 But here it speaks about ‘tamida bikum’- ‘to prevent the earth from shaking with you.’ And in reply to the statement…‘That if mountains prevent earthquakes, how come you find earthquakes in mountainous regions ?’ The reply is, that - If I say that medical doctors, they prevent the sickness and disease in a human being, and if someone argues…‘If doctors prevent the sickness and diseases in a human being, how come you find more sick people in the hospitals, where there are more doctors than at home - where there are no doctors.’
 Mountains and Earth's rotation
NASA says, "To understand the concept of angular momentum, visualize the Earth spinning in space. Given Earth’s overall mass and its rotation, it contains a certain amount of angular momentum. When an additional force acting at a distance from the Earth's rotational axis occurs, referred to as a torque, such as changes in surface winds, or the distribution of high and low pressure patterns, especially near mountains, it can act to change the rate of the Earth’s rotation or even the direction of the rotational axis". [ https://www.nasa.gov/centers/goddard/news/topstory/2003/0210rotation.html ]

My opinion:
Wind on land and water changes earth's angular momentum. All of this change is balanced by a small number of mountains on landmass. Because mountains affects wind flow.

Mountains and ground motionZakir Naik explained that mountains do not prevent earthquakes, rather they prevent shaking [ground motion]. Ground motion is the movement of the earth's surface from earthquakes or explosions.

Only effects of mountains are being consideredRESEARCH ARTICLE|DECEMBER 01, 2007
Effects of Large-Scale Surface Topography on Ground Motions, as Demonstrated by a Study of the San Gabriel Mountains, Los Angeles, California Shuo Ma; Ralph J. Archuleta; Morgan T. Page
Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America (2007) 97 (6): 2066-2079.
We investigate the effects of large-scale surface topography on ground motions generated by nearby faulting. We show a specific example studying the effect of the San Gabriel Mountains, which are bounded by the Mojave segment of the San Andreas fault on the north and by the Los Angeles Basin on the south. By simulating a Mw 7.5 earthquake on the Mojave segment of the San Andreas fault, we show that the San Gabriel Mountains act as a natural seismic insulator for metropolitan Los Angeles. The topography of the mountains scatters the surface waves generated by the rupture on the San Andreas fault, leading to less-efficient excitation of basin-edge generated waves and natural resonances within the Los Angeles Basin. The effect of the mountains reduces the peak amplitude of ground velocity for some regions in the basin by as much as 50% in the frequency band up to 0.5 Hz. These results suggest that, depending on the relative location of faulting and the nearby large-scale topography, the topography can shield some areas from ground shaking.

Effects of Topography on Seismic-Wave Propagation: An Example from Northern Taiwan Shiann-Jong Lee; Dimitri Komatitsch; Bor-Shouh Huang; Jeroen Tromp
Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America (2009) 99 (1): 314-325.

Topography influences ground motion and, in general, increases the amplitude of shaking at mountain tops and ridges, whereas valleys have reduced ground motions, as is observed from data recorded during and after real earthquakes and from numerical simulations...  if a shallow earthquake occurs in the I-Lan region of Taiwan, the Central Mountain Range will significantly scatter the surface waves and will in turn reduce the amplitude of ground motion in the Taipei basin...

Effects of other features are considered tooHowever, as the hypocenter moves deeper, topography scatters body waves, which subsequently propagate as surface waves into the basin. These waves continue to interact with the basin and the surrounding mountains, finally resulting in complex amplification patterns in Taipei City, with an overall PGV increase of more than 50%. For realistic subduction zone earthquake scenarios off the northeast coast of Taiwan, the effects of topography on ground motion in both the mountains and the Taipei basin vary and depend on the rupture process. The complex interactions that can occur between mountains and surrounding areas, especially sedimentary basins, illustrate the fact that topography should be taken into account when assessing seismic hazard.

[Shiann-Jong Lee, Dimitri Komatitsch, Bor-Shouh Huang, Jeroen Tromp; Effects of Topography on Seismic-Wave Propagation: An Example from Northern Taiwan. Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America ; 99 (1): 314–325. doi: https://doi.org/10.1785/0120080020 ]

My opinionSo, if we consider the effect of mountains only, it is proved that mountains act as  a natural seismic insulator like san gabriel mountains. But ,when other features come into the scene like taipei basin, similar effect may not be achieved. So, the Quran is correct, because Quran is talking only about the effects of mouontains, not combined effect of other features too.

Following article is taken from 'Stars on the Earth: Domes and Stargates, and How to Interact with Them' By Richard Leviton [page : 98-100]
 [ Richard Leviton is an American writer, researcher and editor. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Richard_Leviton

Since 1984, he has been interacting with and describing the Earth’s Light body and through workshops facilitating in others directed visionary encounters with the planet.

For more information about the author: http://www.blueroomconsortium.com/founder.asp ]

Richard Leviton writes:-The ancient view from Persia about aerial sky cords connected to one central cosmic mountain seeems congruent with modern plate tectonics theory. Making the link for us is a prescient observation from the Quran (78: 6-7), which says, "Have we not made the earth as a wide expanse, and the mountains as pegs?" The key Arabic word is awtad which means stakes or pegs, like those used to anchor a tent into the ground. In this view, the mountains had a form like wedge-shaped pegs or stakes rooted deep into the Earth and they kept the land from shaking; most of a properly set peg is buried beneath the ground's surface, like a mountain's roots. In geological terms, a mountain has deep roots into the Earth's crust and acts to stabilize it across the planet and keep the continental plaates fastenedMaybe the weight helps too. The Quran says (16:15) that moun-tains keep the Earth from shaking by stabilizing the crust: "And He has set firm mountains in the earth so that it would not shake with you...."

...You can see the inherent instability in this picture: rigid, brittle land mass plates, the lithosphere, all of Earth life above them, riding a mobile, plastic, malleable soft undersea of flowing rocks. Or we could say, the flowing but not quite molten rocks of the asthenosphere carry the Earth's lithosphere and tectonic plates on its back. Some geologists liken the viscosity of the mantle to piano wire. Look under the "hood" of a Steinway and you'll see strings capable of floating a continent. "They are rigid, but ever so slowly they will sag, will slacken, will deform, and give way, with the exact viscosity of the earth's mantle." [84]...

...Since the majority of the Earth's crust is thin and set on a very hot, unstable, and moving molten sea, it is vulnerable to shaking; also, due to the Earth's rotation on its axis, these tidal forces can cause the plates to shift too much.[85] The mountains act like stakes or nails inserted into the crust to steady and stabilize it. Thus the mountains are physical pegs that tie down the aerial sky cords.

Let's stay with the plate tectonics and Pangaea theory a little longer. When we consider the first arrival of the domes we are dealing with the Earth's earliest days, the time when the lithosphere was first created, or extrapolated, and to a quality of the planet's surface which various myths from different cultures hint at as being wet, malleable clay, when its land-scape features and the density of the land itself were still congealing. The domes came and it was like wrapping a star cluster around the young Earth. The location and function of every star in this cluster was accounted for. The draping of the star cluster was perfectly matched to the landforms, both present and to emerge. We are talking about the ear-liest terraforming days of the planet, when its landmasses and landscape configurations started to take shape, started to be purposefully shaped, and started to congeal and harden to be a walkable surface.[86]


[84] John McPhee, Annals of the Former World (New York: Farrar, Straus, and Giroux, 1998): 45.

[85] Due to the influence of low-intensity but prolonged stresses (such as the planet's rotation on its axis and the Earth's internal heat radiation), forces that drive the movements of plate tectonics, "the lithosphere responds essentially as a rigid shell and thus deforms primarily through brittle failure, while the asthenos-phere accommodates strain through plastic deformation." "Lithosphere," Wikipedia, at http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lithosphere

[86] Geologists prefer the explanation that blind forces of Nature inexorably pro-duce results, but intellectually this seems an inadequate explanation. Something mechanical needs an operator. The Earth is a designer planet; that means every-thing has been designed, planned, accounted for, and supervised. Things were not left to chance or to the opportunistic, impersonal accidents scientists prefer. The allocation of geomantic features to landmasses was planned out long in advance, which means the size, type, and situation of the various landmasses had to be accounted for and perhaps adjusted along the way by the master planetary engineers. The powerful Earth forces described by geologists are certainly real, but they are the car's motor: somebody (the agents of the Designer) is driving the vehicle and they have a destination and route in mind.[/size][/font]

 SOURCE: answering-christianty.com / blog/

In Arabic, the mountain is "jabal". The plural of mountains is "jibal". In the Qur'an, both the words "jebel" (Hashir, 59/21) and "jibal" (Amme, 78/7) are used.
The word "revasiya" is used in the Qur'an only in the plural form "revasi" and "râsiyât". The verb of this word is “resa-yersû” and it means to fix something in a place, to make it riveted. In terms of dictionary meaning, this word is not used for mountain. As a matter of fact, in the verse "ve'l-jibale ersâhâ" (Naziat, 79/32) in the Qur'an, the word "jibal" is used together with the verb "ersâ" of the word "revasi" - from the if'al bab. Its meaning is “He settled/fixed the mountains of the earth.” is in the for

Now let's reconsider the verses in which the word "revasiya" is used. Let's put the word "continents" instead of the word "mountains" in the places written in Revasiya and see how true it is. by Mete Firidin

If you give the meaning of fixed mountains to the word Revasiya, you will contradict this verse because it is clearly emphasized that the mountains are not stable:
Surah An-Naml: Verse 88:
“You see the mountains and you think they are frozen (in place); whereas they walk like a cloud walks”
A topic that was newly discovered by the scientific world was being told. The issue is that the oceans are a balancing element on the earth's crust. The enormous weight of the oceans creates a great pressure on the earth's crust, preventing terrifying earthquakes that will occur with the movement of the earth's crust. In addition, active volcanoes at a depth of thousands of meters are kept under control by this heavy pressure. In this documentary, it was emphasized that if the oceans did not have this pressure task, the earth would be shaken by terrible earthquakes and that life would not be possible with the poisonous gases emanating from active volcanoes, which are much more than the land, at the bottom of the ocean. In addition, when it is added that the ocean bowls were formed by meteor impacts, the word elka (أَلْقَى) in the verses, which means throw, provides a better understanding of the subject. Of course, when I thought about the verses called "we threw heavy pressures-cauldrons-pots", which I could not understand before, a light came on. Taking information from my fellow commentators, I came to the conclusion that the real meaning of the verses in which the word "revasiye" is mentioned is the ocean, not the mountain. With the clarification of this issue, the oceans, which carry the same task, are added to the mountains known as the balance element.
I state that I am open to all criticisms by saying that GOD knows the best, and I wish you good reflections.by rabbani


By Umar Nasser & Tahir Nasser, with essential contributions from Maulana Abdul Ghany Jahangeer Khan  |

The reason that the Qur’anic claim about mountains is so often derided is partly because New Atheists don’t carefully read what the Arabic is actually stating. Nowhere does the Qur’an state that mountains prevent earthquakes. The Qur’an actually states:
“He has placed in the earth firm mountains that it may not quake WITH YOU…” (Qur’an 31:11)
And We have made in the earth firm mountains lest it should quake WITH THEM…” (Qur’an 21:32)
And He has placed in the earth firm mountains lest it quake WITH YOU…” (Qur’an 16:16).
The Qur’an does not say that mountains prevent earthquakes per se, but simply that they decrease their intensity to such an extent, that humans do not feel them. The earth still quakes – sure – but it doesn’t “quake with you”, meaning that you don’t feel its effects as much as you otherwise might.
It’s also important to recognise how the Arabic language works when understanding this claim of the Qur’an. Arabic is a language organised according to a root system. This means that each word is derived from a root “stem” (usually tri-literal but sometimes quadri-literal) and all words that share a commonality of meaning, derive from the same stem, even though they may be completely different words.

For example, the word for compassion or rahmah comes from the tri-literal root r-h-m. Another word derived from this root is the word for the womb – rihm. The words compassion and womb are completely different, but their relationship to the same root word tells you something about the womb and about one of the key manifestations of compassion in human relationships – the bond between a mother and her child.
This is how Arabic words work. The interrelationship of a word with its associated root derivations tells you the nature of that object.
In the Qur’an, there are two words used for mountains: jibaal and rawaasiya. Only the latter word rawaasiya is ever described as preventing humans from experiencing the shocks of earthquakes. Jibaal is never used in the Qur’an in this way. [1]
The reason may surprise you.


You know mountains, right – those massive things poking out from the ground, rudely slapping the clouds? Giant structures that humans have an innate, irresistible desire to get to the top of, come rain or shine, risking life and limb to do so?
Well there’s more to mountains than you may think. Mountains don’t just exist on the land surface; they also exist under the sea. In fact, since some 70% of the earth’s surface is covered in water, the vast majority of mountains are actually out of sight, on the sea floor. The Qur’anic use of two separate terms for mountains correlates beautifully to this categorisation of two types of mountains – jibaal for land mountains and rawaasiya for mountains under the sea, also known as “seamounts” in Geology.

How do we know this? The Arabic tells us clearly.
The word rawaasiya is from the trilateral root r-s-w. Other derivations of this root word, as found in Lane’s Arabic dictionary – a renowned compilation of root derivations – tell us the nature of rawaasiya as opposed to Jibaal. Some relate to the sea, while others have more illuminating meanings, as will be elaborated when we come to the latest scientific research:
  1. Something stationary or fixed like a ship anchored to sea-floor
  2. To make the lowest part of a ship reach the bottom of the water, and therefore make the ship remain stationary
  3. To effect harmony, accommodation or adjustments between things
  4. To mention a part of a tradition or a story
  5. Beads on a string or a bracelet made from tortoise shells
  6. A port for anchoring ships
  7. To swim with someone
We can see therefore that the meanings seem to correlate to three core ideas: a) something firm and fixed; b) something situated on the bottom of the sea floor and c) something in a beaded fashion effecting harmony or adjustment between things, related in some fashion to the breaking up of a story or tradition and mentioning only a part of it.
The term Jibaal on the other hand, has no such connotations related to it. Its root word is related to terms such as “rough, coarse, big,” concepts of “numerous, large” and is used to describe people who are harsh and hardy by nature, as well as being related to the shape of a “camel’s hump”. This relates to the visible shape of mountains we see above land. Only in one verse does the Qur’an utilise the word rawaasiya for visible mountains, but only does so with clear qualification to indicate their under-sea origin:
“He has placed in the earth firm mountains (rawaasiya) rising above its surface, and blessed it with abundance…” (Qur’an 41:11).
Since the verse is speaking of mountains in the geological sense here, and of a time when the earth was still at its early stages of formation, it will be appropriate to take a look at the root meanings of baarak (bless) that appears in it. The relevant meanings are: “clouds raining down vehemently” and “the creation of permanent water reservoirs” (Lane). Once again, we find that rawaasiya are linked to the oceans. In this case therefore, the reference is to such seamounts as break through the ocean surface as volcanic islands do, creating as they do so, new ecosystems for sustaining life.
When we read the Qur’anic verses in light of these two essential pieces of information, we get to the truth of what the verse is saying. These are: firstly, that mountains decrease the shock of earthquakes such that humans do not experience them as powerfully or as frequently as they might otherwise do, and secondly, that the type of mountain being spoken of is an undersea mountain (‘seamount’), with the qualities outlined above.
When we turn to the latest geological research on the effect of seamounts, we find that the Qur’anic pronouncements on the matter, given to the world 1400 years ago, shine more brightly now than ever before.


Before we can truly understand how correct the Qur’anic claim is, we have to understand the nature and origin of seamounts. Seamounts are undersea mountains, arising from the sea floor, which do not reach the water’s surface. They are usually extinct volcanoes. This explains why they’re often found at the centre or the border of tectonic plates. At the centre of tectonic plates you have mid-ocean ridges, the site of seafloor spreading. Here, new oceanic crust is formed where the lava erupts through the seafloor and then cools. The process of the lava erupting forms volcanoes, which become extinct and inactive as they spread, thus forming seamounts. Where tectonic plates meet is another area where seamounts are found in concentration, because the subduction (going under) of one tectonic plate when it meets another tectonic plate causes the higher crust to melt more easily into magma, then work its way up and erupt, again creating seamounts in the process. Seamounts are also formed at ‘hotspots’, random areas of the seafloor which see volcanic activity. They are numerous and spread all over the tectonic plates, constantly moving and shifting as the Earth’s crust is created and destroyed.

It has been known for many years that seamounts are hubs of marine life, with their heat and mineral composition being a beacon for biological life to find food. But in recent years, evidence is increasing that seamounts have a role that directly affects all of us. Numerous researchers have come to the conclusion that seamounts play an important role in reducing earthquake activity. They posit that seamounts diffuse huge ‘megathrust’ earthquakes into much smaller earthquakes. How so?
An excellent review paper in 2011 summarised the science behind the action of seamounts in preventing megathrust earthquakes as follows:[2]
“It has long been noticed that convergent margins where seamounts, aseismic ridges, and other large topographic reliefs subduct tend not to produce large interplate earthquakes (Kelleher and McCann, 1976). The vast majority of subducting seamounts, such as those reported for Mariana (Fryer and Smoot, 1985), Middle America (Ranero and von Huene, 2000), and Hikurangi (Bell et al., 2010), cause numerous small earthquakes, but not large (M>7) ones.”
Explaining the mechanism behind such observations, Wang and Bilek explain:“To overcome geometrical incompatibility, a subducting seamount must severely modify its surrounding and itself by generating a complex network of fractures (Fig. 2). The fracture system evolves with time as the seamount forces its way through. Stresses in the fracture system are extremely heterogeneous, such that there are always some fractures that are locally at a state of failure while others are far from failure. The slip of the failed fractures causes stress transfer to other parts of the system and loads other fractures to failure. The crosscutting of the fractures in various orientations serves to maintain stress heterogeneity, and local failure of parts of the system continues to happen in a seemingly random fashion. The collective effect of the numerous local failure events is that the volume of damaged rock around the seamount appears to be a creep zone. The seamount thus can move ahead fairly steadily, in contrast with a frictionally unstable smooth fault that displays distinct phases of locking and slip (Fig. 3, right). The steady motion is similar to a stable-sliding smooth fault (Fig. 3, left), but the creeping mechanism is totally different. The network of fractures around a seamount is not a single frictional contact”…”Overall, it is expected that seamount subduction generally has a large aseismic component but produces numerous small earthquakes.”

In layman terms, seamounts provide a texture to the subducting tectonic plate so that one tectonic plate doesn’t slide rapidly, in fits and starts, under another. By providing multiple points of contact, seamounts stop plates from jolting from one site of resistance to another, and they thereby arrest the generation of massive “megathrust” earthquakes. What would have been one massive earthquake from the smooth ‘slip’ of one plate over another is diffused into much smaller seismic activity spread over a much larger area. This is called ‘aseismic creep’, alluding to the fact that the seamounts sticking out from the plates slow down the speed of subduction and make it more continuous. To us, this means that rather than having massive earthquakes and tsunamis generated from plate subduction, we are left in relative peace. The effect of this on human life, and the history of biological evolution, cannot be underestimated.
“By providing multiple points of contact, seamounts stop plates from jolting from one site of resistance to another, and they thereby arrest the generation of massive “megathrust” earthquakes.”
These findings have not been easy to detect, at depths of 20-40km below the Earth’s crust, but new technology has facilitated their investigation and confirmation. These results have now been replicated in different seamount locations, from Sumatra [3] to Chile [4]. We exhibit some of the relevant abstracts below, though these papers should be reviewed in full for a deeper understanding of the matter.


The beauty of these verses of the Qur’an can be seen not from a cursory glance, but when we probe the verses deeply, keeping in mind the meanings of rawaasiya, and the mechanisms of “aseismic creep” outlined above.
The word rawaasiya gives the connotation of a mountain that is fixed firmly on the sea-floor “like an anchor of a ship”. But there is more than that. The trilateral association of the word in Arabic further gives the meaning of “effecting adjustment” between things and “relating only a part of a story”. This is strangely enough, precisely what the seamounts achieve: they effect adjustment between the subducting and the overriding plates, by dispersing a single massive force into much smaller ones, across hundreds of resistance points along the fault line. The seamount thus quite literally breaks up something larger into smaller chunks, which, in the words of Wang and Bilek, result in “…stresses in the fracture system (being) extremely heterogeneous, such that there are always some fractures that are locally at a state of failure while others (that) are far from failure. The slip of the failed  fractures causes stress transfer to other parts of the system and loads other fractures to failure.”

The word rawaasiya further carries the connotation of pieces of tortoise-shell, beaded on a string. This is very significant, because this seamounts are notorious for being found in chains, one after the other. The Pacific Ocean for instance is home to the Seamount Chain known as the ‘Emperor Seamounts,’ which bears a striking resemblance to tortoise shells being beaded along a string. This phenomenon of seamounts appearing in chains, often upon mid-ocean ridges, is universal and commonly observed.
The final point we must return to in our elucidation of these profound verses is that an exceptionally subtle point is being made by the Qur’an. The verses have not stated that rawaasiya prevent earthquakes from occurring. They could quite easily have said so. The language would have been much simpler. Instead, each verse consistently refers to the mechanism of action as: “lest it quake with you,” implying that rawaasiya do not prevent earthquakes per se, but simply prevent humans from experiencing them. This is exactly in line with what Geologists are now finding.


Seamounts, hidden under the surface of the sea, have only really come to be recognised in recent decades. Only in the last few years, have the techniques developed that have enabled us to research them in depth, and recognise the benefit they have rendered us and all living creatures on the surface of the Earth. Yet a book, claimed by an illiterate Arab man in the 7th century to have been revealed to him by the All-Knowing, contains secrets we are only now uncovering. What light of genius possessed him to write such things, if he had forged it? By what instrument, and by what device did he probe the depths of the forbidding oceans, to understand the meanings of what was being written?
These verses of the Qur’an are a testimony to the truth of that great prophet, to the truth of the book he brought to mankind, to the truth of a Living, Speaking, All-Knowing God, and to the ignorance of those New Atheists who for so long, out of sheer ignorance, chose to deride, mock and jeer, instead of pause, reflect and ponder.

Do Mountains Prevent Earthquakes? YES. Quran Proven ...


Are mountains cast into the earth?

 Science, on the other hand, says that the earth's crust is in isostatic equilibrium, and mountains provide this isostatic equilibrium. Without isostatic equilibrium, the earth's crust would be unstable and constantly shaken by large earthquakes. Mountains rise constantly where necessary for the earth to reach isostatic equilibrium by bilim ve yaratılış

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