The Heart Has Its Own 'Brain' and Consciousness
Your heart has its own nervous system that is composed of approximately 40,000 neurons. These neurons are connected differently and more elaborately than elsewhere in the body and while they’re capable of detecting circulating chemicals sent from the brain and other organs, they operate independently in their own right. Having it’s own “mini-brain” is the reason why heart transplants work, given the fact that severed nerve connections do not reconnect in a different body. Furthermore, this elaborate nervous centre in the heart has more functions than simply regulating the electrical activities of the heart to keep it pumping.
Rollin McCraty and Mike Atkinson had made a research which was published in the annual meeting of The Pavlovian Society. They found that there is a relation between heart and the realization. They proved this relation by measuring the electromagnetic activity of heart and brain when people are trying to understand something. They found that when heart performance is in a low level, realizing also will be low.
Today, amongst the physiology books you will discover that the function of this particular area of the cerebrum is to plan and initiate movements that occur in the anterior portion of the frontal lobes and this is a region of association cortex. It is also a location for motivation where it is thought to be functional centre for ‘aggression’. In the Quran, Allah states in 96:16
‘A lying sinful forehead’.
The Quran notes that those who disbelieved will be dragged from the forehead. Thus how can today’s explanation of this particular area of the cerebrum linked to ‘lying, sinful forehead’? The prefrontal cortex is responsible for planning and initiating good and bad actions as well as for telling the truth and lies ( via hafsaabbas )
Noble Verse(s) 96:15-96:16 Shakir:
[096:015] Nay! if he desist not, Wewould will
certainly smite
his forehead,
[096:016] A lying, sinful forehead. Transliteration:
[096:015] Kalla la-in lam yantahi lanasfaAAan bialnnasiyati [096:016] Nasiyatin kathibatin khati-atin
Arabic (from right to left):
According to
1. Lisan Al-Arab dictionary [1] , Book 8, Page 750.
2. Al-Muheet dictionary [2], Page 1229.
3. Al-Muajam Al-Waseet dictionary [3], Page 927.
4. Al-Mawrid dictionary Arabic-English section [4], Page 1152.
5. Arabic-English dictionary the Hans Wehr dictionary [6], Page .
الناصية (al-naasiyah): the forehead.
Dr. J. Andrew Armour is a neurocardiologist that has shown some fascinating facts about the heart’s nervous system. You can review his book “Neurocardiology: Anatomical & Functional Principles” if you’re interested in the technical details. For example, while the heart can be influenced by messages sent from the brain, it doesn’t necessarily obey it all the time. Furthermore, the heart’s “mini-brain” can send its own signals to the brain and exercise its influence on it. To give one illustration: oxytocin, which is typically referred to as the “love hormone”, has been shown to be released not only from the brain, but also from the heart. Oxytocin is not only important for love and bonding, especially for pregnant and lactating mothers, but it also has roles in social behavior, wound healing, learning, memory, and empathy. In short, it’s one hormone that affects a very wide variety of important functions.
Now it’s time to hold on to your seat and try not to fall over, because if you thought these facts about the heart are surprising, the following will probably make your eyebrows fly off your face.
It’s generally assumed that learning and memory are a central nervous system function. Meaning, this is a function for that organ inside our heads. However, due to some bizarre, controversial and anomalous observations, there is a growing push towards a systemic memory mechanism. In other words, not to limit intelligence functions to the brain. This came from observations in organ transplant patients – more specifically, heart-transplant recipients.
In a study from 2002, researchers from the University of Arizona and University of Hawaii collaborated to publish a paper titled “Changes in Heart Transplant Recipients that Parallel the Personalities of their Donors”. Ten recipients who received heart or heart-lung transplants underwent evaluation through a series of open-ended interviews. These interviews involved the transplant recipients, recipient families or friends, and donor families or friends, in hospitals in various parts of the US. Several parallels were being investigated including, changes in food, music, art, sexual, recreational, and career preferences, as well as specific instances of perceptions of names and sensory experiences related to the donors.(by Mohamed Ghlian)
Arama Sonuçları
The heart senses emotional information five to seven seconds before it happens, while the brain senses it three to five seconds beforehand. So not only are emotions important contributors to our output of thoughts, but they may be one of the best ways to influence and create a change in what and how we think.
Heart-Brain Communication***
Heart-Brain Communication***
In 1974, the French researchers Gahery and Vigier, stimulated the vagus nerve (which carries signals from heart to the brain) in cats and found that the heart and nervous system were not simply following the brain’s directions.
Chapter 06: Energetic Communication | HeartMath Institute***
In 1983, the heart was reclassified as an endocrine gland when a new hormone called atrial natriuretic factor (ANF), which affects blood vessels, kidneys, adrenal glands and regulatory regions in the brain, was found to be being produced by the heart.
Dr. J. Andrew Armour discovered the heart also contains a cell type known as intrinsic cardiac adrenergic (ICA), which synthesizes and releases neurotransmitters once thought to be produced only by neurons in the brain and nerve ganglia.
The heart starts beating in an unborn fetus before the brain has been formed, a process scientists call “autorhythmic.”
Dr. Armour introduced the concept of a functional “heart brain” in 1991. Considered an independent entity, the heart’s brain is composed of an elaborate network of neurons, support cells and neurotransmitters which enables it to process information, learn, remember and produce feelings of the heart and then transmit this information from one cell to another.
“We observed the heart was acting as though it had a mind of its own and was profoundly affecting perception, intelligence and awareness,” explained McCraty.
According to Goleman, it’s a person’s EQ (Emotional Quotient) that enables them to succeed in life as much or more than their IQ (Intelligence Quotient).
During the ‘60s and ’70s pioneer physiologists John and Beatrice Lacey conducted research that showed that the heart actually communicates with the brain in ways that greatly affect how we perceive and react to the world around us.
Neurologist Antonio Damasio stresses the rationality of emotion in his book Descartes’ Error,where he emphasizes the importance of emotions in decision-making. He points out that patients with brain damage in the areas of the brain that integrate the emotional and cognitive systems can no longer effectively function in the day-to-day world, even though their mental abilities are perfectly normal.( via understandquran )
The Miracle of the Heart and its Thinking and Processing Capability ...***
Many interesting scientific researches are going on in this field. It is becoming a separate subject now. Those people who had gone through heart transplants also experienced strange feelings and started adopting the habits of the person from whom they got the heart. Yasha Kresh, PhD, Professor of Cardiothoracic Surgery and Medicine, Research Director of Cardiothoracic Surgery says:
"It turns out that the heart has its own 'brain' - an intrinsic nervous system. It's not clear what it does or if it's subservient to the higher brain. But it's clear that it is there, and I believe it has a mission because evolution does not allow things to remain without purpose. We think this internal nervous system helps to fine-tune and integrate the heart's diverse activity.( via miraculousquran )
Rollin McCraty and Mike Atkinson had made a research which was published in the annual meeting of The Pavlovian Society. They found that there is a relation between heart and the realization. They proved this relation by measuring the electromagnetic activity of heart and brain when people are trying to understand something. They found that when heart performance is in a low level, realizing also will be low.
The results of the Institute of Heart Math was marvelous .they found that when you speak or touch another person, the changes in your heart will affect the brain activities of the other person!! This means that your heart affects his brain
‘A lying sinful forehead’.
The Quran notes that those who disbelieved will be dragged from the forehead. Thus how can today’s explanation of this particular area of the cerebrum linked to ‘lying, sinful forehead’? The prefrontal cortex is responsible for planning and initiating good and bad actions as well as for telling the truth and lies ( via hafsaabbas )
Noble Verse(s) 96:15-96:16 Shakir:
[096:015] Nay! if he desist not, We
[096:016] A lying, sinful forehead. Transliteration:
[096:015] Kalla la-in lam yantahi lanasfaAAan bialnnasiyati [096:016] Nasiyatin kathibatin khati-atin
Arabic (from right to left):
كلا لئن لم ينته
96:16According to
1. Lisan Al-Arab dictionary [1] , Book 8, Page 750.
2. Al-Muheet dictionary [2], Page 1229.
3. Al-Muajam Al-Waseet dictionary [3], Page 927.
4. Al-Mawrid dictionary Arabic-English section [4], Page 1152.
5. Arabic-English dictionary the Hans Wehr dictionary [6], Page .
الناصية (al-naasiyah): the forehead.
The frontal part of the brain handles lies.
For centuries it was thought that the frontal part of the human brain handled vision (simply because it is near the eyes). Today we know that this is false. The part that handles vision turned out to be at the rear of the brain. The front part of the brain is called the prefrontal cortex and is responsible for concocting lies. Pathological liars have more prefrontal white matter:
"Liars showed a relatively widespread increase in white matter (23-36%) in orbitofrontal, middle and inferior, but not superior, frontal gyri compared with antisocial and normal controls. This white matter increase may predispose some individuals to pathological lying."
Localisation of increased prefrontal white matter in pathological liars. Yang Y, Raine A, Narr KL, Lencz T, LaCasse L, Colletti P, Toga AW. Br J Psychiatry. 2007 Feb;190:174-5. PubMed PMID: 17267937.
Pathological liars have more white matter at the prefrontal cortex. But 1400 years before it was discovered the Quran said that disbelievers will be dragged from their lying forehead.
[Quran 96.16] A lying sinful forehead.
How could an illiterate man who lived 1400 years ago have known that the frontal part of the brain handles lies?
(The Christian Bible erroneously claims that there are four legged insects Leviticus 11:20. It also claims that there is an animal that has "flames stream from its mouth; sparks of fire shoot out. Smoke pours from its nostrils as from a boiling pot over burning reeds. Its breath sets coals ablaze, and flames dart from its mouth". Job 41:19-21
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