7 Nisan 2018 Cumartesi

Everything is Created in Pairs?

lt is a fact that there  are some words which have different meanings as in all languages.
The Arabic, therefore the Quran, is no exception. We can grab the true meanings of these
words if we take into account the contexts that they are used. This is crucial in translation.
lt even becomes more vital if the text is the Quran which is one of the holy books. This study
concerns with the word of zevc which is used in the Quran and has different meanings.
As a result of this, the translators have
given to zevc the meaning of pair and wife without regarding other meanings which are also
found in the Quran.
In this study, I firstly detected the uses of zevc-zawj  in Arabic

Key Words: Spouse (Wife-husband), Pair, Species, Class, Community, Similar.
species :quran 20;53/ 22;5/26;7/31;10/50;7/55;52
class,community:quran 15;88/20;131/56;7
similar:quran 37;22/38:58/43;70 
( by mevlüt erten )

Claim :

The following verse tells us that Allah created everything in pairs. For example, sex in plants and animals, day and night, forces of attraction and repulsion, etc. 
(Koran 51:49) 
And of every thing WE have created pairs:
that ye may receive instruction. 
However, Mohammed in his simplistic observation of the world did not notice that there are some things in this world which are not in pairs. For example, bacteria, fungi imperfecti, etc. are members of the Monera Kingdom and reproduce asexually only! The European population of Elodea consists of plants of the same sex as well and therefore they also reproduce through asexual means. 
Another example of things not in pairs is the gravitational force. The gravitational force is an attractive force. It does not have a counterpart. There is no such thing as repelling gravity. 

In reply to this claim, please be reminded that that the words of the verse said : 
"And of everything We have created pairs" 

The word 'everything' clearly indicates that God is speaking of everything in the universe and not just some species of plants. So what is this universal arrangement by which everything is created in pairs? 

Here we explore the science of Quantum Mechanics. 

When we study Quantum Particle Properties, we find that for every elementary particle in the universes there is a special partner called its anti-particle that has the same mass but the opposite electric charge. This is what is called Anti-Matter. 
Basically, if a particle and its own anti-particle collide, they cancel one another out. They destroy one another and turn into a flash of pure energy which can manifest itself as light. 

For many years this theory remained a theoretical hypothesis, since no anti-matter was ever produced in a lab. However, very recently, a Swiss-based scientist confirmed that anti-matter has been manufactured in tiny amounts! 

The scientists at the European Particle Physics Laboratory (CERN), on the Franco-Swiss border, have now set up the world's first anti-matter factory, one of them, Professor Frank Close, told the annual science festival in Wales: 

" Nine atoms of anti-hydrogen were produced just over a year ago. Now, the new factory will produce them at a rate of more than 2,000 atoms per hour" Close said. 
When matter meets anti-matter, they annihilate each other in a flash. The scientific consensus is that, when the universe was created, matter and anti-matter emerged equally from the Big Bang. 

So once again we witness the Quran's amazing scientific content. The subject of 51:49 and which you failed to interpret correctly, is in fact yet another very accurate piece of knowledge. This verse as seen address's the theory of Quantum Particle Properties, and not the type of 'Reproduction System' (male/female) of one species of plants or another.( by assufah )

And from everything We have created pairs that you may be mindful."         Surat Adh-Dhāriyāt (51) Ayah 49
All things We have created by pairs.” This is not true. Many bacteria, protists, fungi, and plants reproduce asexually. 51:49

Actually this verse is completely correct if you studied science and the verse you would not make the same mistake as the sceptics.
The verse mentions “of everything” so it is not simply referring to living beings therefore the verse is not concerning male-female pairs as “everything” includes stone, oxygen, water, metal etc., obviously the aforementioned (oxygen, water etc) do not come in male-female pairs. Thus the Quran is not speaking of biological pairs (male-female).
So the question is asked, does everything created (i.e. all matter) come in pairs? Yes it does, matter and anti-matter.
So the Quran is completely correct to state this. The sceptics need to be more careful when reading verses as they completely misunderstood the verse, hence their mistake
More info:
by yahya snow 

In the name of Allah and peace and blessings be upon the Messenger of Allah ...

In their trial to find an "error" in quran, Islam haters argued that this ayah is false due to asexual reproduction of some organisms !!

First of all we need to read this article to understand "the concept of parity" as a universal phenomenon

Then,  Why doesn't asexual reproduction contradict the ayah by any way ?

The ayah didn't say "Everything", rather it said "from/of everything ". It's an arabic expression used to mean "many/ a lot of".
Let's examine other ayahs first

1- God says in surat Annaml 27:23 :
إِنِّي وَجَدتُّ امْرَأَةً تَمْلِكُهُمْ وَأُوتِيَتْ مِن كُلِّ شَيْءٍ وَلَهَا عَرْشٌ عَظِيمٌ
Sahih International
Indeed, I found [there] a woman ruling them, and she has been given of all things, and she has a great throne.
 وَوَرِثَ سُلَيْمَانُ دَاوُودَ ۖ وَقَالَ يَا أَيُّهَا النَّاسُ عُلِّمْنَا مَنطِقَ الطَّيْرِ وَأُوتِينَا مِن كُلِّ شَيْءٍ ۖ إِنَّ هَٰذَا لَهُوَ الْفَضْلُ الْمُبِينُ

Sahih International
And Solomon inherited David. He said, "O people, we have been taught the language of birds, and we have been given from all things. Indeed, this is evident bounty."
 We don't need to say that Sulayman- Peace be upon him- and the woman didn't have "every thing" but they were given "from" every thing as the woman's kingdom wasn't given to Sulayman and vise versa. It refers to those things only which are needed by the government or an empire. Otherwise it is obvious that they did not have cars or railways in those days. It means that whatever services are needed to a king or an aristocrat according to their time, they all were available to her. It is, however, obvious that those things that were not available to them, their unavailability is not in conflict with this verse.

The same expression was used in the ayah above "و من كل شيء" "from/of every thing"
2-  In surat Alanbyaa' 21:
وَجَعَلْنَا مِنَ الْمَاءِ كُلَّ شَيْءٍ حَيٍّ ۖ أَفَلَا يُؤْمِنُونَ
and we made from water every living thing? Then will they not believe?
كُلُّ نَفْسٍ ذَائِقَةُ الْمَوْتِ ۗ وَنَبْلُوكُم بِالشَّرِّ وَالْخَيْرِ فِتْنَةً ۖ وَإِلَيْنَا تُرْجَعُونَ
Sahih International
Every soul will taste death. And We test you with evil and with good as trial; and to Us you will be returned.
 God didn't say in this ayah "from everything" but "every thing-every soul " and this means no exceptions !!

Quran is the final testament from God. A distinct feature of the Qur’anic diction is that it encloses a vast range of meaning in a surprisingly small number of words without losing its charm and majesty in the least. 
The language of the Qur’an contains all possible kinds of eloquence, metaphor, similes, comparisons, transitions, inversions etc., but at the same time it is free of any hint of verbiage like false exaggeration, hyperbolical statements and all other defects of falsehood . Human writing does not usually combine all the aspects of eloquence in one work. People have tried in vain to accommodate all these qualities. The Holy Qur’an, however, does so superlatively.


Comparative Religion: Re: Quran 51:49 error: Everything created in .


 Allāh has included all these different creations in the general statement that He created things that He has not revealed to us:Glory be to Him Who created pairs of all things, of what the earth grows, and of their kind and of what they know not!”–(Qur’an 36:36).
   Allāh told Mary –at her objection that how could she have a son when no man has touched her– that He “creates what He pleases.” That Allāh creates “what” He pleases/wills also establishes that Allāh creates “how” He wills/pleases.
   Allāh created Adam and Eve without parent(s) how is it then Allāh cannot create creatures without the union of the male and female reproductive cells? Allāh also created Isaac and John the Baptist when their parents were incapable of reproducing
.Allāh also tells us that everything in creation is a “sign” from Him:And of His signs is the creation of the heavens and the earth and what He has spread forth in both of them of living beings”–(Qur’an 42:29. Also 6:95-99; 10:5-6; 30:20-25; 45:3-6).(  via no god but allah. org)

 Holy Quran (13.3) He is the One Who has spread the earth out , and made in it mountains and rivers, and from every fruit He made a pair of two; the night covers the day. In that are signs for a people who will think.

1- the  particle in bold (from) in Arabic (مِنْْ) â€“ min – could mean "some of" 

Definitions:  from, some, some of .

مِن كُلِّ الثَّمَرَاتِ جَعَلَ فِيهَا زَوْجَيْنِ 13.3



 It is Scientifically established that fruits are made from fertilization of male and female gametes.  Now the word فيها , which was used in Noble Verse 13:3 means "in".  So, the Noble Verse could be simply referring to the male and female gametes.  It's not saying that the fruit itself is either a male or a female.  It's saying that Allah Almighty made into the fruit a pair, which means that the fruit was formed from a pair (a male and female gametes) ( by osama abdallah )

"and out of all [kinds of] fruits He made thereon (i.e., on earth] pairs (zawjayn ithnayn)". The term zawj denotes, according to the context, either "a pair" or "one of a pair". Whenever the dual form zawjan is followed by the additional numerical definition ithnan ("two"), it invariably signifies "a pair comprising both sexes". Thus, the above phrase states that there are two sexes to every kind of plant: a statement fully in accord with botanical science. (Usually, the male and female organs of reproduction exist together in one and the same flower of a particular plant, e.g., cotton; alternatively, they are placed in separate flowers of one and the same plant, e.g., in most of the cucurbitaceae; and, in some rare cases, e.g., the date-palm, in entirely separate, uni-sexual plants of the same species.)( by muhammad assad )
The Arabic word “azvaj” is the plural of “zavj” meaning “pairs,” “matches,” “partners.” There are three sorts of pairs in the Creation as described in the verse:
a- Pairs that grow from the earth, i.e., plants that have species of differentiated sex;
b- Human pairs, males and females. Also some included human characteristics like bravery / cowardice; love / hate; generosity / stinginess, etc.
c- Pairs unknown: men did not know anything about the creation in pairs at the time of the descent of the Quran. In this section we shall be dealing with the latter in particular.
Glory be to the One, who created in pairs all things that the earth produces, as well as themselves, and other things they do not know. [36: 36]

The atom lies at the basis of all matter in the universe. A study of this smallest piece of matter may give an idea about the creation of everything in pairs (partners). As research conducted on the structure of the atom gained momentum, it became clear that the constituents of elementary particles were not limited to protons, neutrons and electrons and that their compositions were of a more complex nature and an unerring precision. Creation in pairs is also valid for elementary particles.
A proton has its anti-proton, an electron is coupled with a positron, and a neutron possesses an anti-neutron. The creation of matter in pairs is one of the discoveries of towering importance of physics. Paul Dirac, a British scientist, was awarded the Nobel Prize in 1933 for his discovery in this field. His discovery (Parity) led to the discovery of the fact that matter has an anti-matter. God’s ingenious calculation is also seen in the numbers of protons, electrons, and neutrons, and of their respective pairs. Let us take as an example the electron and its counterpart, the positron. When these two get together, energy is generated. If there were 15 units of positron versus 10 units of electrons, 10 units of electrons and 10 units of positrons would be eliminated leaving behind 5 units of positron. If their numbers were equal, there would emerge only energy, leaving behind no electrons or positrons. The survival of protons, electrons and neutrons depends on the quantities higher than their respective pairs, while the numerical balance between electrons, protons and neutrons is also important. For example, if the number of electrons were less than the number of protons, there would be no life in the universe. All the fine calculations in our existence are based on this fact. Had one single formation of thousands of phenomena been left to chance, we would not have been on our planet today. We exist thanks to the omniscience of our Creator Who controls everything through His omnipotence.

As I have already pointed out, the fact that the description of scientific phenomena in the Quran could not be accounted for by the knowledge acquired at the time of the Prophet is not the only outstanding point. This fact is certainly very important. However, our wonder becomes even greater when we examine the scientific data provided in the verses of the Quran which reflect God’s omnipotence, art, science and design.
For instance, the statement in sura 21, verse 30 that the universe was created from an integrated mass, as the raw material of the heavens and the earth were closed up before God split them, could not possibly be the word of a mortal at the time of the Prophet. This also proved that God had created the matter, the universe and that He had preset objectives in His mind. Therefore, as we proceed, I shall try to point to the scientific miracles in the verses of the Quran as well as to the fact that these things testified to His existence and the splendor of His art. In brief, as important as the existence of the miracles themselves is the inspiration displayed by the miracles. This also holds true of course for the verses announcing that the material world was created in pairs. At the time of the descent of the Quran the creation of the universe in pairs and the significant role of this phenomenon could not possibly have been known. Important as this is, the gamut of wonders ranging from the forces to the balance between the protons and anti-protons, between neutrons and antineutrons are also important. The Quran’s concern is not merely to stress the miracle as such, but also to draw attention to the creation in pairs so that we may have a better insight into the wonders of the creation.

The importance of creation in pairs in the universe gained momentum with the discovery of quarks within the protons and neutrons as well. Laboratory research has made it clear that quarks and leptons (another subatomic particle) emerged in pairs. When the quark called “Bottom” was discovered after such quarks as “Up,” “Down,” “Charm” and “Strange,” the consciousness of creation in pairs was so widespread among scientists that the name “Top” was given to a quark before even it was discovered. In the year 1994, the discovery of the quark “Top” was announced. The research carried out in the Fermi labs in the USA resulted in the discovery of “Top,” that paired up with the quark called “Bottom.”
All paired creations contribute to the integral order of the universe. The quarks “Up” and “Down,” the protons and antiprotons, the positive and negative electricity charges in the universe have no consciousness. All these well-ordered and predetermined formations are created in a microcosm that, in turn, renders possible the formation of galaxies, stars, planets, plants, the animal kingdom and humankind. Opposite pairs of forces and opposite pairs of particles owe their existence to an Omnipotent Power. The colorful and marvelous universe based on the formation of opposite pairs of force bars the possibility of chaos. Whoever the author of the creation and the designer of ultimate ends may have been, it was He who generated the pairs of particles and forces and set these opposite particles and forces to operate in a harmonious unity until the targets are reached. For those who take heed the evidence is clear.
And We created pairs of everything that you may contemplate. [51: 49]

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