Quran 67:5
And We have adorned the lowest heaven with
It would be impossible to prove the existence of the jinn/devils or the effect of whatever is generated by a star on them,but is the first part of the verse above compatible with modern science?ie Do stars generate missiles
We respectfully disagree with those that say that the ""missile"" in the above verse is a shooting star/meteor.STARS DO NOT GENERATE METEORS OR SHOOTING STARS.
A shooting star or meteor is a piece of rock that hits Earth's atmosphere from space. It moves so fast that it heats up and burns as it moves through the atmosphere.Once in a while a meteor is large enough that some of it survives and reaches Earth's surface and then its called a meteorite.
Lets use our sun as an example of a star-
Our sun generates solar explosions caused by twists in the suns magnetic field ie.Solar flares and Coronal Mass Ejections (CME). While flares explode as flashes of light, CMEs explode as clouds of expanding gas..
Coronal mass ejection - Wikipedia
It is quite fascinating that NASA offers this analogy:
""One can think of the solar explosions using the physics of a CANNON. The solar flare is like the muzzle flash, which can be seen anywhere in the vicinity. The CME is like the cannonball propelled forward in a single direction, this mass ejected from the barrel only affecting a targeted area.""
The only possible resemblance to a ""missile""" (a cannonball is a missile round and made of iron or steel ) that is generated by a star would be a CME.The effect that a CME has on the jinn.devils is known to Allah alone but we can conclude that a CME could be described as a missile/cannonball
Real shooting stars aren't the streaks you see in the night sky
It could indeed be literal? and indeed the Quran may have it right?
making the DEADLY assumption that stars dont move. They do, and then that stars don’t move like meteorites…… but guess what ? THEY DO. At least Omicron Seti or or ‘Mira’ kinda does. In fact mira (over and above its regular movement as all bodies in space move) moves at a serious speed enough to result in it having a tail that is 13 light years in length due to its much more irregular movement at supersonic speeds…
**Scientifically this actually makes sense as stars do MOVE and some even move as fast as 500 kilometres per second [1]. Now that is certainly quick enough to drive away devils.
The sceptics need to think deeper and brush up on their science, stars are not fixed structures, they do actually move and they move very rapidly therefore they can function as objects/missiles to drive away devils to protect God’s creatures!
[1] http://www.astronomycafe.net/qadir/q181.html ( by yahya snow )
stars move in space, in fact our star - the Sun is moving at around 720,000 km/h around the galaxy - quite fast for a flaming ball of fire.***
The Sun and the entire solar system orbits around the center of the Milky Way galaxy. The average velocity of the solar system is 828,000 km/hr
1. Walaqad zayyanna alssamaa alddunya bimasabeeha = And verily We have beautified the world's heaven with lamps
2. wajaAAalnaha rujooman lilshshayateeni waaAAtadna lahum AAathaba alssaAAeeri = and We have made them missiles for the devils, and for them We have prepared the doom of flame. (Pickthall).
Literally, wa jaAAalna ha = and We made "it". "ha" is a feminine singular object pronoun and literally refers back to the feminine (singular) noun "al-ssamaa". "masabeeha" (meaning lamps) is on the other hand plural masculine. So, a literal reading is, "We made it (i.e. the heaven)".
Now, the very next word is "rujooman" (in the accusative). Interestingly, it can be understood in different ways. It seems to be an infinitive noun (masdar) from the verb "rajama" meaning "He threw, or cast, or pelted". The inf. n. "rajmun" is used in the sense of the passive participle noun and can mean "A thing that is thrown or cast, like as is stone". The plural whereof is "rujoomun". So, "rujoomun" = missiles, things that are thrown at. So, literally the verse reads "and We made it missiles/things to be cast at the devils".
Lanes lexicon gives a second understanding of the word. It quotes Taj Al-arus as saying "رجوم (rujoomun) is synonym with رجم (rajmun), as an inf. n.". So, "rujoomun" used an (english equivalent of) infinitive in the sentence can mean "to cast/for casting". Literally, "and We have made it (i.e. the heaven) for casting at the devils".
Now, "and We made them" seems to be an interpretation rather than the actual literal reading which says "and We made it (i.e. the heaven)".
wajaalnaha not wajaalnahum.
So, literally, it seems the lamps (stars) are not told to be "rujooman" or source of "rujooman, but "the heaven" (al-sama'a) is told to be made as the place or means to cast at the devil
It seems the actual arabic Quran does not really link meteors to stars (as we understand them in our age). It simple says that Allah beautified the heaven with the beauty of stars and other things, AND provided protection in it (the heaven) by means of "shihab". The two do not necessarily have to be "one source" according the actual arabic texts. They are spoken of in juxtaposition simply because they pertain to the "heaven" (from the perspective of an onlooker on earth), not because they are the same "things"

Scientific Basis of Shooting Stars
Scientists have recently discovered that stars and meteors are the source of powerful electric waves called “Pulsars.”These Pulsars are released in the form of “spectral lines”.
In terms of Astrology, Pulsars are defined as: “a rapidly rotating neutron star which emits large amounts of electromagnetic radiation (light, x-rays, radio waves, etc.) and particle jets. A neutron star is what is left over when a star 4 - 8 times the mass of our sun burns up most of its fuel and explodes in a supernova. The outer layers of the star shoot outwards rapidly, while the stellar core collapses to a sphere approximately 20 km in diameter. Some neutron stars do not rotate very rapidly but those that do are known as pulsars.
Suns more massive than 8 times the mass of our sun collapse to form black holes, which emit very little radiation because their gravity well is so deep that nothing can escape from it. Suns less than 4 times the mass of our sun turn into Red Giants and then brown dwarfs, without collapsing into a neutron star. But those suns that do collapse into neutron stars release a massive amount of energy in the process, due to the sheer energy of the collapsing matter. Sometimes a small initial rotation in the stellar core will amplify greatly as the collapse ensues, as an ice skater tends to spin more rapidly and they draw their arms closer in towards themselves.”
Observations of Pulsars
Neutron stars have very intense magnetic fields, about 1,000,000,000,000 times stronger than Earth's own field. However, the axis of the magnetic field is not aligned with the neutron star's rotation axis. The combination of this strong magnetic field and the rapid rotation of the neutron star produce extremely powerful electric fields, with electric potential in excess of 1,000,000,000,000 volts. Electrons are accelerated to high velocities by these strong electric fields. These high-energy electrons produce radiation (light) in two general ways: (1) Acting as a coherent plasma, the electrons work together to produce radio emission by a process whose details remain poorly understood; and (2) Acting individually, the electrons interact with photons or the magnetic field to produce high-energy emission such as optical, X-ray and gamma-ray. The exact locations where the radiation is produced are uncertain and may be different for different types of radiation, but they must occur somewhere above the magnetic poles. External viewers see pulses of radiation whenever this region above the magnetic pole is visible. Because of the rotation of the pulsar, the pulses thus appear much as a distant observer sees a lighthouse appear to blink as its beam rotates. The pulses come at the same rate as the rotation of the neutron star, and, thus, appear periodic.
Astronomers have detected pulsed gamma rays from the neutron star at the heart of the Crab Nebula with energies far higher than their theoretical pulsar models can explain.
The emissions were detected by the Very Energetic Radiation Imaging Telescope Array System of four 12-meter Cherenkov telescopes in Arizona. VERITAS, which began collecting full-scale observations in 2007, is used to examine the remains of exploded stars, distant galaxies and powerful gamma-ray bursts and to search for evidence of mysterious dark matter particles.
The study team was led by Nepomuk Otter, a postdoctoral researcher at the University of California, Santa Cruz. The findings are published in Friday's issue of the journal Science.
The Crab Nebula, which is some 6,500 light-years from Earth, was formed when a massive star exploded in a supernova that was observed on Earth in 1054. At the heart of the nebula's colorful layers of gas is a so-called pulsar, the remains of the original star's core that collapsed in on itself into a super-dense, spinning neutron star.
It is most typical for pulsars to be ejected from the stellar wreckage during a supernova. But in the case of the Crab system, the pulsar remained at its centre, producing radiation that covers the entire electromagnetic spectrum.
Possible explanations for the Crab pulsar's intense beams have been suggested, but the researchers said much more data will need to be collected before the mechanisms behind these gamma-ray pulses can be better understood.
"These are much, much higher energies than had been previously thought can come from a pulsar," Otter said. There is something missing in the models of the "cosmic particle accelerators" that give rise to the gamma rays, he added. "It's a very radical change to the picture of how we believe gamma-ray emission comes from pulsars."
Scientific miracle in Quran, Gamma ray bursts in Quran ..
THE STARS, PLANETS AND METEORS:Allah reveals: “And certainly We have adorned this lower heaven with lamps and We make them means of conjectures for the devils, and We have prepared for them the chastisement of burning”–Qur’an 67:5). Muhammad Ali comments:
“The lamps with which the lower heaven is lighted, i.e., the stars, are made the means of conjectures regarding the future by the astrologers. Rujum is the plural of rajm, and explaining it IAth says: “Rajm means conjectures about what Allah has not stated ” (N). And classing the munajjim, i.e., the astrologer, and the kahin, i.e., the diviner, and the sahir, i.e., the magician, as one, he goes on to say: “Thus he (i.e., the Prophet, whose saying is explained) considered the astrologer, who learns about stars so that he may judge thereby, and attributes to them the effect of good and evil, to be a disbeliever” (N). Explaining these very words, Raghib says: “And rajm is used metaphorically to signify conjectures and surmises” (R). LL also gives this significance of the verse on the authority of Bd and TA: “We have made them to be means of conjectures to the devils of mankind, i.e., to the astrologers”. Thus the astrologers, who deceived people by telling them many things which they posed as having learned from the stars, are referred to here.” (To restate verses of the Qur’an are of literal meaning and allegorical.
Qur’an 72:8 states: “And we sought to reach heaven, but we found it filled with strong guards and flames.”
Muhammad Ali comments on this verse (72:8):
“8a. By reaching heaven is meant learning secrets of the heaven. The reference may be to the diviners and astrologers among them, for which see 37:7a–10a, but more likely it is a prophetical reference to the great scientific discoveries of the modern age relating to heaven.
And 37:7a MA: “The Prophet’s preaching was confronted by a twofold opposition among the Arabs ― the secular classes and the priestly class, i.e., the diviners and the soothsayers, the class known as Kahin. It is these soothsayers who are called the rebellious devils, because they thought that they could invoke spirits and answer questions put to them relating to the future. This phase of opposition was equally swept away by the forceful tide of Islamic truth, and the profession of the Kahin disappeared from Arabia as Islam advanced; see LA under the word kahin. The mention of heaven and stars in the previous verse refers to the popular superstition that the diviners and soothsayers ob-tained their knowledge of the future from the stars. The safe-guard against every rebellious devil indicates that they have no access to Divine secrets; see further 52:38a and 72:8a.” ( via no god but allah )
|67|5|وَلَقَدْ زَيَّنَّا ٱلسَّمَآءَ ٱلدُّنْيَا بِمَصَٰبِيحَ وَجَعَلْنَٰهَا رُجُومًا لِّلشَّيَٰطِينِ وَأَعْتَدْنَا لَهُمْ عَذَابَ ٱلسَّعِيرِ
Ve lekad zeyyenne s-semâe d-dunyâ bi mesâbîha ve cealnâhâ rucûmen li ş-şeyâtîni ve a’tednâ lehum azâbe s-saîr.
And we have adorned the lowest sky with bright lights and made it a throwing projectile for the hurling devils (for the mischief-making cosmic pests) and we have prepared for them punishment; sudden flash of light.
(شَّيَٰطِينِ) The root of the word satan (شطن) means removed, kept away from the truth, to deviate from the normal path, to deviate from the normal functioning, disruptive, long-curved rope-thread. In the Qur'an, Almighty Allah calls things that lead away from the right path and cause corruption as Satan.
(بِمَصَٰبِيحَ) The root of the word bimesabiha (صبح) means shining, related to the morning, beam, beam face, light source, radiant.
**The Shooting Stars (Shahab) Quran Miracle is confirmed by Science!
First the verse says the suns are created as lamps, giving light to everyone. The second statement that they are made to drive away the satan should be taken as a metaphor. Without the stars the world will be in utter darkness. Darkness is synonymous to devil. The light drives away all kinds of devil. That’s why the verse says that the stars are made “to guard against all obstinate rebellious Satans”.
To understand and to appreciate the above statement, you have you learn the importance of light for the existence of all kinds of living things in the whole universe. ( by assufah )
Moreover, there are two points illustrated here: (1) their marvellous beauty and their groupings and motions (apparent or real) manifest and typify the Design and Harmony of the One true Creator: and (2) the power and glory behind them typify that there is a guard against the assaults of Evil. In other words, the stars typify not only beauty but power, at the same time, their creation is such that they are guarded and protected against every assault of Evil.( by assufah )
Flare star
- Wikipedia
Did the Qur’an confuse meteors with stars? Are stars missiles shot at devils?
“And We have certainly beautified the nearest heaven with stars and have made [from] them what is
thrown at the devils and have prepared for them the punishment of the Blaze.” [67:5]
it is very clearly mentioned that the some thing is thrown away from the stars in the NEAREST HEAVEN !
What is nearest heaven ??
.. let the science discover what is outside this first heaven called universe. Do not hustle to discover every thing in the 20()()s. Some scientific discoveries should be left for the years to come. [Possible explanation from Multi-verse of Strings Theory,to be explained later]
But the holy book Quran clearly gives the definition of “nearest heaven ” in the same verse… i.e. “…beautified the nearest heaven with stars“
Therefore it is confirmed that QURAN TALKING ABOUT THE GALAXIES OF STARS and rather then the earth’s ionosphere or meteoroids!
another Proof:
The previous verse (67:4) says
“Then return [your] vision twice again. [Your] vision will return to you humbled while it is fatigued.“
.. i.e look at the farthest part where you can see through naked eye…. naked eyes can see as far as the farthest stars in the MILKYWAY and not just the Ionosphere or Troposphere of earth !
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