vedas and shape of the earth :
Rig Veda 7.83.3 The ends of the earth are beheld laid waste…
अंत [Anta]= End
Atharva Veda 15.7.1 He, having become moving majesty, went to the ends of the earth…
Vedas explicitly states Earth is Four Cornered ( “Four Directions” ??? ) by Sulaiman Razvi
Rig Veda 10.58.3 Thy spirit, that went far away, away to the four cornered earth.
Word by Word Sansksrit translation,
यते [Yate] = Your
मन [Mann] = Spirit/Mind
जगाम [Jagaam] = Goes
दूरकम् [Durkam] = Far away
चतुर्भृष्टि [Chaturbhushti/Caturbhrsti] = Four Cornered
भूमि [Bhumi] = Earth
The word Chaturbhusti (also spelled Caturbhrsti) means Four cornered,
Hari Prasad Shastri also writes,
“Four-Cornered The ancient Hindu belief was that the earth was four-cornered.” The
Ramayana of Valmiki, Translated by Hari Prasad Shastri, Shanti Sadan 29
Chepstow Villas, London, W.II. 1952. Printed in Great Britain at the
Burgleigh Press, Lewins Mead, Bristol.
this strengthens my argument that earth according to Vedas and some
texts is four cornered. And it really refers to the corners not
directions as Hindu apologists claim
Dayanand Saraswati didn’t translate the Rig Veda up to 10th Mandal
so whose translation is he referring to? M.N. Dutt’s translation is a
reproduction of H.H. Wilson’s translation. He says that the word
Chaturbhrishti means four directions but the Hindi translations of Ram
Sharma Acharya doesn’t translate it as four directions, Ram Sharma has
skipped this word. H.H. Wilson translates it as “Four-quartered earth”
which is same as four-cornered earth
Monier-William’s Sanskrit dictionary also gives the same meaning***
*i.e. four-cornered, The Earth, in Hindu cosmogony, is a flat surface having four corners.” The
Ramayanna, Edited and Published by Manmatha Nath Dutt, Rector, Keshub
Academu. Printed by Girish Chanda Chackravarti, Deva Press, 65/2, Beadon
Street, Calcutta. 1892.
So Manmath Nath Dutt also admits that according to Hindu mythology the earth is a flat surface with four corners
Moreover the Brahmanas affirms this verse,
Satapatha Brahman …Now this earth is four-cornered, for the quarters are her corners: hence the bricks are four-cornered; for all the bricks are after the manner of this earth.
still some would argue that Rigved verse is not in literal sense and
refers to earth as four cornered symbolically. If it really referred to
earth as four cornered ”Symbolically” then the Brahmanas would not have
likened the shape of the earth with a brick. This verse from the
Brahmanas could have been rejected if it was contradictory to the Vedas
but both the Vedas and Brahmana says the same thing that the Earth if
Four Cornered. A globe cannot have corners, These verses proves that
earth is flat as per the Vedas.
Brahmanda Purana and Srimad Bhagavatam, one can check Srimad Bhagavatam, it now where talks about shape of the earth rather says that the sun moves around the earth.
'' he
accept that the sun is revolving around the earth as the Markandeya
78.9 verse he quoted says that the Sun revolves above the world? Coming
to the point, the egg described here is the source of creation and here
referring to the universe and not describing the shape of the earth as
himself quoted the verse which only says that it is highly elevated in
the middle. Does that prove that earth is oblate shaped? The irony is
that if Purana says the earth is shaped like lotus, leaf of lotus then
it doesn’t really describe the shape of earth
( via Sulaiman Razvi )
(Markandeya Purana 54.12)
I found the part: let me quote it:
the six Kula mountains enter into the womb of the ocean; and the earth
here is sloping towards the south and north, and at the middle it is
raised to great heights
Not exactly... "earth is flattened at the poles''
let's see the verse you pointed to in this book which is Chapter 54, verse 12 within its context :
two great mountains in the middle of it are each a lac of yojana in
extent. Of these two, that which is towards the south and that which is
towards the north, of them one is less than the other by ten thousand
yojana, their M.N.Dutt - 103 - Markandeya Puranam hight is two thousand
yojana and similarly the whole extent of the base is also two thousand
yojana. (10-11) All the six Kula mountains enter into the womb of the
ocean; and the earth here is sloping towards the south and north, and at
the middle it is raised to great heights. (12) Know that on the
southern side of this are three continents or Barshas and similarly
three on the northern side; and between them the Ilabrata-Barsha stands
as a crescent. (13)"
which way this verse shows that the earth is not complete sphere?!!!!
nothing at all, neither the desciption you claimed in your post is
only describes the mountains hights and their distribution in a very
primitive way, are you trying to tell me that this text shows that the
earth is not a complete sphere?!!!
chapter and the following ones are dealing with the mountains, rivers,
lands with special notion to India, for example, Markandeya (Markandeya
Purana book is a dialogue between the ancient sage Markandeya and
Jaimini written by a third person, Marana) mentioned nine divisions of
Bharata, and then dealt with India in detail; naming its seven mountain
ranges and its scattered hills; and its rivers, distinguishing them
according to their sources, in the Himalaya, the Paripatra, the Vindhya,
the Rksa, the Sahya, the Malaya, the Mahendra and the Suktimat ranges.
That's it.
This is a false translation cropping up the internet since a few years. The original verse reads: “Know
that on the southern side of this are three continents or Barshas and
similarly three on the northern side; and between them the
Ilabrata-Barsha stands as a crescent.” Where are the poles here???
Rig Veda XXX.IV.V. (30.4.5). Shape of Earth is like an Oblate Spheroid.
There is no such verse in Rig Veda. It is fabricated verse. Also note that the Hindus claim the Earth has been called “bhu-gol” (bhu means ‘land’, and gol means ‘circular or something with roundness (not to be confused with “kanduka/ guda/ gol chhetra”
that translates to ‘sphere)’) in the Vedas, the claim is true for the
translations only. In our research, we found that the Earth has been
called “prithvi (prithviya)“. The term bhugol was coined much later than the time Columbus and refers to the subject of ‘geography’ in today’s world. ( via imanlens )
In early Egyptian[8] and Mesopotamian thought, the world was portrayed as a disk floating in the ocean. A similar model is found in the Homeric account
from the 8th century BC in which "Okeanos, the personified body of
water surrounding the circular surface of the Earth, is the begetter of
all life and possibly of all gods."[9]
The Israelites also imagined the Earth to be a disc floating on water; an arched firmament separated the Earth from the heavens.[10] Like most ancient peoples, the Hebrews believed the sky was a solid dome with the Sun, Moon, planets, and stars embedded in it.[11]
Homer's description of the disc cosmography on the shield of Achilles with the encircling ocean is repeated far later in Quintus Smyrnaeus' Posthomerica (4th century AD), which continues the narration of the Trojan War.[23]

Possible rendering of Anaximander's world map[24]
Thales thought the Earth floated in water like a log.[29] It has been argued, however, that Thales actually believed in a round Earth.[30][31] Anaximander (c.
550 BC) believed the Earth was a short cylinder with a flat, circular
top that remained stable because it was the same distance from all
things.[32][33] Anaximenes of Miletus believed
that "the Earth is flat and rides on air; in the same way the sun and
the moon and the other heavenly bodies, which are all fiery, ride the
air because of their flatness."[34] Xenophanes of Colophon (c. 500 BC) thought that the Earth was flat, with its upper side touching the air, and the lower side extending without limit.[35]
Belief in a flat Earth continued into the 5th century BC. Anaxagoras (c. 450 BC) agreed that the Earth was flat,[36] and his pupil Archelaus believed
that the flat Earth was depressed in the middle like a saucer, to allow
for the fact that the Sun does not rise and set at the same time for
Hecataeus of Miletus believed the Earth was flat and surrounded by water.[38] Herodotus in his Histories ridiculed the belief that water encircled the world,[39] yet
most classicists agree he still believed the Earth was flat because of
his descriptions of literal "ends" or "edges" of the Earth.[40]
Flat Earth - Wikipedia
is He Who stretched out the earth and placed firmly embedded mountains
and rivers in it and made two types of every kind of fruit. He covers over day with night. There are Signs in that for people who reflect." [Surat Ar-Ra‘d, 3]
Arabic term “madda al-arda” translated “as stretched out” in the above
verse, means “to be covered, spread out, stretched, pulled out, expanded
or opened.” The use of this word in the context of the earth in
referring to the formation of mountains and rivers is exceedingly wise.
Because looking at the scientific explanation of the formation of the
earth, it does appear that mountains and rivers formed through the
stretching and expansion of the earth.
science says that the earth had a very different appearance in the very
earliest times to that which it has now. In his book Die Entstehung der
Kontinente und Ozeane (The Origin of the Continents and Oceans) in 1915
the famous German scientist Alfred Lothar Wegener proposed that all the
continents had originally been one single land mass. This great land
mass later came to be known by the Greek name Pangaea, meaning “all
continents.1 According to Alfred Wegener's theory of “continental
drift,” put forward in 1912, the continents at the two ends of the
Atlantic Ocean are still moving away from one another. This theory
assumed its latest, present-day state with the development of the field
of science known as the tectonic plates: Continents do not move away
from one another by sliding over the ocean floor. The ocean floor and
the continents drift together over a layer of liquid magma under great
heat and pressure and known as the “astenosphere” or “upper crust.”
Therefore, both the land continents on earth visible from the outside
and also the crust under the sea are both in motion together.
the plates that bear the continents move in a manner described as
contraction and expansion, or stretching, the continents are today
moving away from one another at a rate of 3 cm a year. The most evident
expansion taking place on the sea bed is that between Arabia and Africa,
where the continents are moving away from one another three or four
times faster. When the expansion takes place on the continent, rather
than on the sea bed, the result is constantly widening valleys such as
the Great Rift Valley in the East Africa-Arabia regions.
Great Rift Valley is a geographical and geological formation stretching
some 6000 km, from Sudan in North Africa to Mozambique in the east. The
valley ranges from 30-100 km in width and is several thousand
kilometers deep. This deep valley brought such formations as Mount
Kilimanjaro and Mount Kenya into being as Africa and the Arabian
Peninsula moved away from one another over a process lasting millions of
years. The eastern part of valley consists of the River Jordan, the
Dead Sea and the Gulf of Aqaba. It then extends southward along the Red
Sea and various lakes in Kenya. Most of these lakes are very deep and
below sea-level.
Book The Expanding Earth describes how it is not only mountains, but
also certain river beds that formed due to the “expansion” of the earth:
In statements regarding the continent of America, the Utah Geological Research Center says:
ranges and basins have been forming for the past 10 to 20 million years
in response to east-west stretching of the earth's crust. Stretching
creates tension that is released by slow continuous movement or sudden
movement along a fault (a break in the earth's crust), which causes
earthquakes. During an earthquake, the mountains rise while the valleys
drop along the faults. The stretching continues today.
such as the expansion of the earth can only be established by
comprehensive research and common data from various contemporary
branches of science. For example, photographs taken by satellite, the
product of 20th century technology, have confirmed the view that the
continents were once complementary to one another. Highly accurate
measurements have revealed that the . The presence in thexpansion in the earth’s crust is
continuing at a slow but specific ratee Qur’an of
such special information at a time when nobody could determine anything
about the continents and, what is more, about formations that took
millions of years to develop, once again shows that it is the word of
Allah. The way that the Qur’an, revealed 1400 years ago, contains such
profound information about the formation of the earth, is one of its
scientific miracles
The bringing forth of the earth's waters (oceans, seas, lakes, rivers, etc...) after the expansion of the planet earth. A new scientific video, from a Western scientist, confirms the stunning Scientific Miracle in Noble Verses 79:30-32 regarding Allah Almighty bringing forth the waters (oceans, seas, lakes, rivers, etc...) after He expanded the earth. Scientists have proven that our planet earth, indeed, was at one point all covered with land with shallow and limited bodies of water. The vast bodies of water that we have today, where water today covers more than 70% of the entire globe, happened after the expansion of the earth -- precisely as Allah Almighty mentioned in the Noble Quran. Scientists have only recently confirmed it!(by osama abdallah )
Our earth expanded and produced its own water:

The following models show the stages of growth that the earth went through. They are taken from this 1:30 hours film by Dr. James Maxlow, a renowned geologist.
Many non muslims shout that the Earth is not spherical,its oblate or ellipsoid.The answer
is that the original shape or the main shape was spherical and which
has later on become oblate or ellipsoid,due to gravity and continued
some people are confused about the verses (Surah Taha 53,Surah Zukhruf
10,Surah baqarah 22,Surah Dhariaat 48) which mention that Earth is
flattened like a bed.
who made for you the earth a bed and the sky a ceiling and sent down
from the sky, rain and brought forth thereby fruits as provision for
you. So do not attribute to Allah equals while you know [that there is
nothing similar to Him].(Surah Baqarah 22)
And what is meant by making the Earth as a bed is mentioned in Surah Dhariaat.
And the earth, We have laid it out (as) a bedding, so how excellent are the Smoothers! (surah Dhariyaat 48)
It is smoothing.The Earth has mountains and rivers.There are
many different landscapes and thus it is important to mention that even
then,the Earth is flattened like a bed,it is smoothed out for
our convenience.
The plains on the surface of Earth are flattened portions where living is easy.It is the sign of Allah.
There are plains on Earth.Read the definition of plains.
Merriam Webster
a large area of flat land without trees
Would anyone of you claim against Merriam Webster to label the Earth as flat Earth?No.The reason is that it refers to the flat surfaces on Earth.
According to the website of National geographic,
A plain is a broad area of relatively flat land.
Plains are one of the major landforms, or types of land, on Earth. They
cover more than one-third of the world’s land area. Plains exist on
every continent.
So the word flat does not mean flat Earth everywhere.It could refer to many other facts including the flat surfaces i.e the plains on Earth ( via rabuttalanswringmuslims)
Geological history of Earth ***
The Quran appeals to the reader to ponder on how the earth has been made
habitable for the purpose of humankind's needs. This includes travel with
the ability to find a way in
terms of roads / pathways / access (16:15, 20:53, 21:31, 43:10)
and control over certain animals so that they can also be
used for transportation in order that more arduous terrain can be
traversed (16:7).
Firstly, it is noteworthy that the common Arabic
word 'ard' which is often rendered in English as 'earth'
not only applies to the planet as a whole, but also signifies the
physical land which earthly creatures inhabit.
Meanings of Ardh: One of the meanings is earth; Another meaning is land: "See you not that Allâh sends down water (rain) from the Sama (clouds), and then the Ardh (Land) becomes green? Verily, Allâh is the Most Kind and Courteous, Well-Acquainted with all things" (Al-Hajj 22:63)
One of the most indications of Ardh is seven Ardhean (plural of Ardh: The interior and lower part of the Universe)
.Also the word Ardh can mean a field, and a part of the land. In Arabic, the lower part of anything is called ardh. For example, the ardh of a vehicle, room and so on is its floor.
030:002-3 (Part)
"The Romans have been
defeated, in the nearest land (ard)..."
The Stunning Geological Miracle in Noble Verses 30:2-5 (the place where the Romans were defeated)!
Therefore, it is not unusual for the Quran to
furnish the reader with such analogies
as the earth/land being spread out, stretched, expanded, levelled, (sutiha
88:20) or made as a resting place, a couch or a carpet-like for
habitation (bisat 71:19,
firash 2:22). Other terms such as
'madda' (13.3, 15:19, 50:7, 84:3)
have also used by the Quran to imply the action of stretching out,
extending or spreading
And at the Earth [land], how it is spread out – موقع فصلت لـ الاعجاز ...
It is also notable how these statements are
normally hedged within other narratives that also appeal to the
habitable nature of the planet and how it has been designed to cater for civilisation's needs.
For example:
"And God has made for you
the earth/land an expanse (bisat),
(so) that you may go along therein in wide paths /
traverse / find means of access / roads of passage"
these narratives, one is forced to deduce that if the planet was
extremely uneven with insurmountable terrain, this would arguably stunt
civilisation's growth in many aspects. One only has to conjure
up thoughts
of a planet that was completely mountainous as an example, with little
or no
flat surfaces that could extend beyond a reasonable distance. This begs
question, how
uninhabitable, inhospitable and arduous would it become for
civilisation as
a whole?
Similarly, those that argue that the earth is
a 'globe' by citing various verses such as verse 79:30 and in
particular, the Arabic word 'daha', should
also accept that the primary meaning of the verb 'daha' means
to spread out or to expand and does not necessarily indicate the
shape of an ostrich egg per se. This primary interpretation is
repeatedly accepted by the classical Arabic authorities /
The reference of 'daha' is
the ground or place in which an egg is laid or 'spread out' enough, in
order that the egg (s) can find a suitable resting place. It is the expansion of the ground
/ space by the ostrich so that the eggs can safely find an abode and
hatch which remains the focus of the term 'daha'. In a similar fashion, the Lord also creates a hospitable flatter surface
for humans to find a suitable abode so that they can grow and prosper.
Therefore, the analogy remains quite apt.
The Shape of the Earth*
Amin >>>
And Allah made for you the earth an expanse (bisatan),
71:20 That you may go along therein in wide paths."
sin ta” is translated as “to extend”, “to stretch”,
“abundance”. And some translators translated “bisatan” as “as
a carpet” (71:19). On one hand, for example, in regard to
provision, “yabsutu” (extends) appears in verse 30:37 as opposed
to “restricts”. If it was to be applied to verse 71:19, it would
imply that the earth has no borders or there is no end of earth,
because you go around the Earth with no limits/edges (this is also
supported by verse 34:9). And on the other hand, there is an
assumption that “carpet” means that the earth is flat, but a
carpet can be placed, for example, on stairs. The context of the
verse is “that you may go along therein in wide paths” (71:20),
so it is about a surface that you can walk on, rather than speaking
about the shape of planet Earth)(There are different words,
specifically for “carpet” in the Qur’an (88:16 and 55:76),
which are not related to Earth
Do they not see that Allah extends the provision for whom He
wills and straitens/restricts (it). Indeed, in that are
surely Signs for a people who believe.
The One Who made the earth a resting place (firashan)
for you, and the sky a canopy, and sent down water
from the sky, then brought forth therewith fruits as provision
for you. So do not set up rivals to Allah while you know.
verses 2:22 and 51:48, “fa ra shin” does not indicate the shape
of planet Earth, but a comfortable/suitable place to live for people.
The context confirms it: “then brought forth therewith fruits as
provision for you”)(“Fa-Ra-Shiin” means to spread out, extend,
stretch forth and furnish; so the meaning of its root word confirms
that the verse refers to “provision”)
The One Who made for you the earth as a bed (mahdan)
and inserted therein ways for you, and sent down
water from the sky, then We brought forth with it
diverse pairs of plants.
means the flat place where one can sleep or rest and so forth. It is
also used for “flat” and “easy surface of any kind”. There
are flat or easy places on Earth, but according to the context,
verses 20:53, 28:53, 78:6 and 51:48 do not refer to the shape of
planet Earth, but refer to matters for people living on Earth (e.g.
“We made your sleep for rest”, “inserted therein ways for you”,
“We made the day for livelihood” .In
verses 28:53, 78:6 and 51:48, “mim ha dal” does not refer to the
shape of planet Earth, but, according to the word itself and its
context, they are matters for people living on Earth (e.g. “We made
your sleep for rest”, “inserted therein ways for you”, “We
made the day for livelihood”). So, “earth” is the ground, not
the shape of the planet. The mention of “ways” is in contrast to
“mountains” which are not plain (18:47, 21:31). Notice that Verse
20:53 mentions the word “therein ways”. Verse 21:31 mentions
“mountains” and “ways”, so the way is plain and the mountain
isn’t, so the context is clearly the ground, not the shape of
planet Earth)
And the earth, We have spread it (farashnaha); how
excellent are the Spreaders (l-mahiduna). 51:49 And of
everything We have created pairs, so that you may remember.
refers to matters for people living on Earth. It is confirmed by the
context (51:48), “Fa-Ra-Shiin” means to spread out, extend,
stretch forth and furnish; so it is about provision on Earth, not
about the shape of the entire planet Earth)
And the earth, We have spread it (madadnaha) and cast
therein firm mountains and caused to grow therein every
well-balanced thing. 15:20 And We have made for you
therein means of living and for those for whom you are not providers.
means “to spread”, “to extend”, “to provide”, “to
prolong”, etc. This word, according to its context (15:19-20),
could refer to provision on planet Earth. Other verses use that word
in that sense, for example, verses 27:36, 74:12, 52:22, etc.)(If the
verse was to mean “extended to its full length” (stretched), it
would then refer to the formation of planet Earth by accretion:
gravity slowly gathered gas and dust together into clumps that became
planets. Both interpretation would be in accordance with science. The
verse does not refer to a flat-shaped planet Earth)(Allah knows best)
Then do they not look at the camels, how
they are created? … 88:19 And towards the mountains, how
they are fixed? 88:20 And towards the earth, how it is spread out
context of Verse 88:20 begins in verse 88:17 “do they not look at”,
so it is not speaking about planet Earth seen from the space or its
shape, but the ground they walk on. “Sutihat” also means
“surfaced” (88:20). Places of the Earth’s surface are flat, in
contrast to the previous verse (88:19) which speaks about
mountains)(“Sutihat” means “spread out”, “outspread”,
“surfaced”, etc. A few translators translated “sutihat” as
“flattened”. The Earth is flattened at the poles, according to
the article “Spheroid” in wikipedia, “because of the combined
effects of gravity and rotation, the Earth’s shape is not quite a
sphere but instead is slightly flattened in the direction of its axis
of rotation. For that reason, in cartography the Earth is often
approximated by an oblate spheroid instead of a sphere”)
And the Day We will cause the mountains to move and
you will see the earth as a leveled plain (barizatan), and
We will gather them and We will not leave behind anyone from them.
18:48 And they will be presented before your Lord in rows,
"Certainly, you have come to Us as We created you the first
time. Nay, you claimed that We had not made for you an appointment."
verse is not speaking about the shape of planet Earth or about a flat
planet Earth because: 1) The root “ba ra zay” means “wide open
space” where one can see clearly without distractions or obstacles;
it also means “became apparent/manifest/evident, uncovered, etc. 2)
According to the context of the verse, “earth” means “ground /
land”, not the whole Earth or “planet Earth”, 3) The plain
ground/land is in contrast to “mountains”
which means surface, outer layer, outer cover, roof, deck, plane, etc.
Hence sath al-bahr means sea-level, sath ma'il means inclined plane,
sathi means external, outward, superficial, etc. Keeping this original
meaning of the root-word in view and approaching the Qur'anic statement
at 88:20 with our modern knowledge that the interior of the earth is
full of gaseous and liquid materials (lava) and that the land-surface is
only an outer cover resembling the skin of an egg, and that it is also a
plane, it would be seen how very appropriate, scientific and
significant is the term sutihat used here in describing the land-surface
of the earth, particularly after the description in the previous 'ayah,
88:19, of how the mountains have been affixed. The Qur'anic statement
at 88:20 may thus be very appropriately and more correctly rendered as:
"(Do they not look) to the earth how it has been surfaced and planed?" The
third word in the series is mihad and it may be considered along with
the sixth in the series, mahd in 20:53, because they both belong to the
same root. The former means resting place, abode, bosom, cradle and,
figuratively, fold (in which something rests). And A.J. Arberry has very
correctly translated the expression at 78:6 as: "Have We not made the
earth as a cradle?" [14] In fact, this very word mihad occurs at six
other places in the Qur'an, [15] and at each of these places it clearly
bears the meaning of an abode, a habitat, a resting place, etc. In any
case, even without regard to what we know of the interior of the earth,
to translate the expression as "made an expanse" would be quite remote
from the original sense and would be inappropriatehere. Similarly
mahd means bed or cradle. It occurs at four other places in the Qur'an,
once in connection with 'ard in 43:10 and thrice in connection with
'Isa's speaking to men even while in the cradle. [16] And again, A.J.
Arberry very consistently renders the term at both 43:10 and 20:53 as
cradle. In fact, he translates the statements at both the places
uniformly as: "He who appointed the earth to be a cradle for
you." [17]Watt, on the other hand, is not so consistent. He translates
the expression at 78:6 as "make an expanse" and at 20:53 as "made a
bed". Similarly
inconsistent is his translation of the fourth and eighth terms in the
series, farashnaha and firasha. The primary meaning of farasha is to
spread out as a bed, to pave, to cover, etc.; while firasha means bed,
mattress, bedspread, cushion, carpet, etc. Nevertheless, while Watt has
translated this last expression at 2:22 as "made a bed", he has rendered
the word at 51:48 as "laid flat", though the farthest manoeuvring that
could legitimately be done here is to render it as "spread out as a bed"
or "laid out as a bed", but not quite as "laid flat". There
remain two other words to consider, bisat and madda, the fifth and
seventh respectively in the series. The same meaning of laying or
spreading as a bed is appropriate for bisat, and Arberry has indeed
translated the whole statement at 71:9 as: "And God has laid the earth
for you as a carpet." [18]Watt, however, has rendered the expression as
"made an expanse". As regards the word madda, its primary meaning is "he
extended" or "he expanded". It may even mean "he spread out", as Watt
translates it. The term has been used in the Qur'an in several other
senses. At 84:3-4 the expression is in its passive form, muddat, and it
clearly bears the meaning of "is flattened"-"And when the earth shall be
flattened and it will throw off what is in it and shall get emptied".
This is a description of what will happen when the earth (world) will
be brought to an end and the resurrection will take place. Hence the
sense in which muddat is used here cannot be applied to the same term or
its derivatives which speak about the normal situations of the earth
and which therefore must bear a meaning other than "made flat" or
"flattened". Conversely, this passage is a pointer to the fact that
prior to the event of the earth's being brought to an end it is as a
whole not flat. Leaving
aside the differentials in meanings and accepting the renderings as
"spread out", "made an expanse", etc., none of the eight statements
cited does really say that the earth as a whole is a flat space; for the
passages speak of the earth or land as it comes within the immediate
view of the observer. Moreover, though the sense of making level or
plane may be said to be common to all the terms, this sense does not in
fact run counter to the spherical nature of the earth as a whole. The
accepted geometrical and mathematical definition of "plane" is "surface
such as that the straight line joining any points on it is touching on
all points. " [19] Hence, in spite of the earth as a whole being
spherical, its surface is nonetheless level, plane, spread out or even
flat. The
inherent relativity of the expression madda or "spread out" applied to
earth in such passages was indeed pointed out some eight centuries ago
by Imam Fakhr al-Din al-Razi (544-606 H./1150-1210 A.C.) who was quite
conscious of the spherical nature of the earth. Referring to the term
madda used at 13:3 and 15:19 he makes two points. He says that the
object of these passages is to bring home the theme of the existence of
the Creator. The reference has therefore to be to such objects as are
visible and obvious to the listener. Hence the term 'art/ in these
passages has to be understood in the sense of the part of it which comes
to the immediate view of the observer. [20] Second, he points out that
the earth "is an extremely large ball; but a part of a gigantic ball,
when looked at it, you will see it as a plain surface. This being the
case, the difficulty of which
you speak ceases to exist. The proof of this [explanation] is the
saying of Allah: (We have set the mountains as pegs - 78:7). He calls
them pegs notwithstanding the fact that there may be extensive plain
surfaces on top of them. So is the case here. ( via quran-errors )
Does the Quran teach that the Earth is Flat?
[20:54] It is He Who has made the earth for you a cradle,
and has caused pathways for you to run through it; and Who sends down
rain from the sky, and thereby We bring forth various kinds of
[51:49] And the earth We have spread out, and how excellently do We prepare things!
[71:20] ‘And Allah has made the earth for you a wide expanse’
[71:21] ‘That you may traverse the open ways thereof.’
[78:7] Have We not made the earth a bed,
[79:31] And the earth, along with it, He spread forth.
doubt there are different meanings and interpretations of the above
verses but it is very clear that Qur’an did not use any word that is
even close to the meaning of “Flat Earth”.
allegation is based on bad translations and interpretations of the
Arabic words used by the Qur’an. Let’s analyze the various meanings of
these words attributed to the earth.
Earth Made As Carpet; (Verses,
20:54, and 71:20) The Qur’an only compares the earth’s crust with a
carpet. It is wrong to assume that carpet can only be put on an absolute
flat surface. Carpet is generally put on a surface that is not very
comfortable to walk on. The Qur’an merely mentions the earth’s crust as a
carpet, without that we would not be able to survive because of the hot
fluid and hostile environment beneath it. Here the Qur’an is not only
logical but mentioning a scientific fact that was discovered by
geologists centuries later.
Earth Has Been Spread Out; (Verses,
51:49, 78:7 and 79:31) In these verses Qur’an states the fact that the
earth is spread out in a very spacious way and does not contain any
implication that the earth is flat. Furthermore it means that that the
earth is spread out and prepared for human beings and for their benefit,
so that they can cultivate it, build dwellings in it and travel through
[55:18] The Lord of the two Easts and the Lord of the two Wests!
[55:19] Which, then, of the favours of your Lord will you twain deny?
[70:41] But nay! I swear by the Lord of the easts and of the wests, that We have the power.
In the verse, Lord of the two Easts, and Lord of the two Wests, there
is sure evidence that the earth is round because two Easts and two
Wests can come about only when the earth is round; for when the sun
rises over one region it sets in another, and when it sets in one sphere
it rises in another. Thus the actuality of two Easts and two Wests can
clearly be seen.
Qur’an Mentions Sun and Moon in Orbits: Another proof that the Qur’an did not believe that earth was flat. Allah says in the following verses;
[21:34] And He it is Who created the night and the day, and the sun and the moon, each gliding along in its orbit.
Hast thou not seen that Allah makes the night pass into the day, and
makes the day pass into the night, and He has pressed the sun and the
moon into service; each pursuing its course till an appointed term, and
that Allah is well aware of what you do?
here means that the night slowly and gradually changes to day and vice
versa. This phenomenon can only take place if the earth is spherical. If
the earth was flat, there would have been a sudden change from night to
day and from day to night.( via quran is right )
Allāh reveals: “And
the earth—We have spread it out and made in it firm mountains and
caused to grow in it of every suitable thing”–(Qur’an 15:19. See also
20:53; 43:10; 50:7; 51:48; 71:19; 78:6; 79:30).
Answer: Allāh
spreading out the earth does not refer to its shape; but the earth
being so huge it appears flat with furnishings for our benefit. A person
looking over his country as far as the eye could see will see his land
as “flat.” Even people living at the east and west who are standing
sideways and those at the extreme south who are standing downside up see
their lands as flat like a “carpet.”
That Allāh says He spread out the earth like a “carpet.” So what! A
carpet or fabric can be spread around a spherical object. Besides a
carpet is something that beautifies and gives comfort. Thus, Allāh
spreading the earth like a “carpet” simply conveys that He has made the
earth attractive and comfortable.
That the earth is spherical: Allāh tells us: “(He is) Lord of the two Easts, and Lord of the two Wests”–(Qur’an 55:17).Muhammad
Ali explains: “The two Easts and the two Wests signify the different
points of the horizon at which the sun rises and sets at the summer and
winter solstice.” And these two different points can only occur if the
earth is spherical. Allāh tells us in His Qur’an 70:40 that He is“Lord of the Easts and Wests.” Khwaja Kamal-ud-Din explains:
“No one knew of the roundness of the earth in pre-Islamic days, but the Qur’an clearly hints at this when it speaks ofnumberless Easts and Wests***. No
one, in those days, could imagine a thing like that, seeing that they
thought of one East and one West. Even certain religious scriptures
gives ridiculous explanations of the setting of the sun in the West and
its rising again from the East. The present division of the hemisphere
into east and the West is a man-made barrier. But as in the course of
the progress of Islam it had to assume a certain political importance,
the Qur’an speaks of many Easts and many Wests. But if the earth be
round, every inch of it is a new East and a new West. If,
for instance, “B” is distant two hundred miles from “A” which, let us
suppose, is situated to the West of “A” the sun will rise there some
three minutes before it will rise at “B.” Similarly, it will set at “B”
three minutes after it has set at “A.” If, therefore, we take two places
on the hemisphere two hundred miles apart as rising and setting places
for the sun, there will be thousands of Easts and Wests on the earth,
thus confirming the truth of the Qur’an.” And establishing that the earth is not “flat” but ROUND/SPHERICAL. (Introduction To The Study Of The Holy Qur’an, p. 45).
Allāh also says in Qur’an 37:5 that He is “Lord of every point at the rising of the sun.” This
is a universal fact considering that the sun, being ever-shining, never
sets. Thus as objects rotate there is an ongoing rising and setting of
the sun at “every point.”( no god but allah )
Rebuttal to Sam Shamoun's Article "The Qur'an and The Shape of The ...
earth (ground) being spread over the lava so we can travel over it
without being harmed shows that this Quranic verse is true. It does not
mean it is flat. It is also correct to say Allah spread out the earthen
the sense of vastnesses.
Again spreading
out does not mean flat. Even the Encyclopaedia at FreeDictionary uses
the term “spread over” concerning the lava covering a wide distance [1].
Thus we realise it is a term that refers to vastness and not a term
which refers to flatness. Would the sceptics claim that the
Encyclopaedia people were claiming a flat earth? Of course not,
therefore it would be equally unfair to claim that the Quran is teaching
a flat earth!(by yahya snow )
End of Times Volcanoes will be caused by the stretching of the earth's crust - Mentioned in the Glorious Quran and confirmed
The "two Easts" and "two Wests" on earth in the Noble Quran and the roundness of the earth:
The earth literally has two sun rising points and two sun setting points! Noble Quran and Science agree on this:
we look at the Noble Verses, it is important to know when the sun rises
on one half of the earth, it is at the same time setting on the other
half, and when it sets on one half of the earth, it is at the same time
rising on the other half. This clearly means that the earth literally
has two sun rising points (mashriqayn) and two sun setting points
(maghribayn)!Noble verses 13:3, 20:53 and 15:19 in which God Almighty
says that He has spread out the Earth could very well be referring to
the spreading out of the continents. Geologists and archaeologists
believe that the Earth's land-masses were once a single land mass they
call Pangea, the super-continent. Over time, the land was stretched
apart into different continents.
gradual movement of tectonic plates is also the cause of many mountain
ranges. Is it any surprise that God mentions the mountains right after
He mentions the "stretching" or "spreading out" of the land?
for the "flattening" of the Earth, it should be noted that the fact
that the Earth's diameter is longer at the equator than between the
poles is caused by Earth's rotation (At least that appears to be
conventional wisdom at this time). If the Earth were to start spinning
faster, it would theoretically get "flatter" or in other words, its
ellipsoid properties would be more pronounced.When God Almighty created
the alternation between night and day, He basically caused the Earth to
start rotating on its axis, which would have "flattened" the planet due
to the centrifugal force. The degree to which the Earth now appears
"flattened" at the poles is barely noticeable. However this does nothing
to change the fact that at some point, when rotation was initiated,
there was indeed a "flattening". And this flattening (as well as the
stretching mentioned above) both occurred AFTER the Earth was created.
possible interpretation of the earth's "flattening" is erosion, which
has smoothed and flattened many of the early Earth's jagged and rugged
base the above on nothing more than my own layman's understanding and
some cursory research into the question. Allah Almighty knows best. The
Truth is His alone, and my errors are my own.
(mahaad): bed.
the bed here a rocking bed or a fixed one? The following pictures about
the cosmos will clearly prove that the earth's axial tilt and rotation
around the sun indeed resemble a rocking bed:
The Earth is like a Cradle - Mentioned in the Noble Quran and confirmed by Science!
The formation of continents and spherical expansion of earth in the Glorious Quran.
addition to 18:86, they claim that 71:19, which says that God made the
earth an expanse (wallahu ja'ala lakumu l-arda bisatan), implies a flat
earth. However, the word bisatan means expanse, not flat. They
apparently were asleep in kindergarten when the teacher went over shapes
and sizes. Flat is a shape. Expansive is a size. For example, a piece
of paper is flat, but not expansive. The earth is expansive, but not
flat. They make the same mistake in translating and interpreting 51:48,
which says that God made the earth expansive (farashnaha).
they even cite 79:30 as evidence that the Quran says the earth is flat,
even though it says the exact opposite (that the earth is shperical).
79:30 says, according to them, "and the earth, after that, He flattened
it, and/or, and the earth, after that, He made it flat" (wa l-arda ba'da
dhalika dahaha). They claim the word daha comes from the root for an
Arabian ostrich's nest (madahy). According to them, the (now extinct)
Arabian ostrich would flatten the ground before it layed it's eggs.
Thus, they claim that dahaha means that He (God) flattened the earth
like an Arabian ostrich flattens the ground before laying its eggs.
However, the linguist, Prof. Martha Schulte-Nafeh, points out in her
translation that the word daha also comes from the same root for the
ostrich egg itself (dahyah). She points out that in the Libyan dialect,
they still sometimes use the word dahyah for egg in addition to the more
frequently used word baydah. Thus, she translates dahaha as "He made it
egg-shaped". Now, take a look at this painting of an Arabian ostrich's
nest from al-Jahiz's 9th century book on animals, "kitab al-hayawan" The
key word in the above verse is “dahaha”. In Arabic, there is a phrase,
“iza dahaha” which means “when he throws the stones over the ground to
the hole”. The hole is called “Udhiyatun”. “Almadahi” signify round
stones according to the size of which a hole is dug in the ground in
which the stones are thrown in a game. “Almadahi” also signify a round
thing made of lead by the throwing of which persons contendtogether.
So there is a signification of ROUNDNESS in the root of the word
“dahaha”. According to some etymologists, the word for the “egg of an
ostrich” also has the same root as “dahaha”. They also take from this
that the earth is of the shape of the egg of an ostrich. Latest science
findings confirm that the earth is not exactly spherical but the earth
is an ellipsoid, i.e. flattened by its poles,[ just like the shape of an
egg of an ostrich].
Arabic words for “flat” or “level” or “straight shaped” are “sawi” and
“almustavi”. There is not a single place in Quran where there is any
indication of the earth being “flat” or “straight shaped”. The word
“faraash” in 2:22, 51:48; the word “wasia” in 4:97, 29:56, 30:10; the
word “mahd” in 20:53, 43:10, 78:6; the word “basaat” in 71:19; the word
“suttihat” in 88:20; and the word “tahaaha” in 91:6, all may mean, “to
spread”, “to expand” or “to extend” with slight differences in their
connotations but none signify the earth being straight-shaped or flat.
for the seven earths A-I objected to, it is indeed a scientific fact,
our earth got 7 layers (7 Ard's), the word "Ard" got 2 meanings, one is
the entire earth, the other meaning is Land(s)*** ( by sami zaatari ) The word daḥāhā ( دَحَاهَا ) comes from the following root ( د ح و ) with the following derivative meanings.
bothدحاها DAHAHA and كالادحى KAL-ADHA ( which means "like an egg")both are derived from دحى DAHA, and they are sister words that are derived from the same root word دحى or دحا. And your word has كال KAL added to it, which are the words "LIKE" and the "THE" article. So really, your raw word is ادحى ADHA. The هاin the Holy Quran's Word دحاها is an addition that references the Word to earth. So the raw Word is دحى or دحا. Arabic is read from right to left, and the ALIF letter at the end, can either be written as a straight line ا or as a curved one ى . Both would be correct spellings. The ALIF letter has these two variant writings.
KAL-ADHA or KAL-UDHI كالادحي is the word that should've been used??
DAHA means:
1- To push.
2- To throw.
دحا (daha): دفعه و رمى به (dafa'aahu wa ramaa bih) Caused it to move, pushed it, or threw it.
دحا الصبي المِدحاةَََ أي دفع الصبي المِدحاةَََ Daha the boy the rolling toy, means the boy pushed the rolling toy.
3- To make something roll, as in DAHA the barrel from the top of the hill,
which means he rolled it down from the top of the hill. Also, this is
where the Arabic word DAHRAJA is derived from, which means to make
something roll down.
4- To make something round. I used several examples for ROUND AND BULGED TUMMY, and making round objects. I even used a Hadith from Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him, when he said:
In Prophet Muhammad's Hadith: كان لأسامة بطننٌ مُندحٌ اي متسع Osama had a round and big tummy.
Also the dictionary says:
الدحداح هو المستدير الململم The dahdaah is the person who is ROUND and STOCKY.
و بطنٌ مُنداحُ أي خارخٌ مُدوّر His tummy is mun-daahun means it is OUT THERE AND ROUND مُدوّر.
So when Allah Almighty DAHA THE EARTH, it means that Allah Almighty EXPANDED IT SPHERICALLY through
rotating it around itself and moving it in its orbit in space. And
this is why Allah Almighty Said after that (after He DAHAHA), He brought
forth from it its water and pasture. Science has proven this to be 100% accurate and True: ( by osama abdallah )
Daha دحا means:
دحا (daha):
دفعه و رمى به
(dafa'aahu wa ramaa bih)
Caused it to move,
pushed it, or threw it.
ويقذفون من كل جانب
دحورا ولهم
عذاب واصب (The Noble
Quran, 37:8-9) And they're cast away from
every side,
repulsed, for they are under a perpetual
دحا الصبي المِدحاةَََ أي دفع الصبي المِدحاةَََ Daha the boy the rolling toy, means the boy pushedthe rolling toy.
دحرجَ (dahraja): to roll, roll along, to roll down.
كادح and كدحا are derived from دحا, and they mean to move! O man, you are moving - you are advancing - towards your LORD.
دحا (daha):
و في حديث أبي رافع: كنت أُلاعب
الحسن و الحسين, رضوان الله عليهما, بالمداحي,
هي احجار أمثال القِرصة
In the Hadith of Abi Rafiaa': I used to play with Al-Hasan
and Al-Hussein, may Allah Almighty be pleased with them, with
AL-MADAAHI, which means STONES that look like
دحا (daha):
المداحي هي احجار أمثال
Al-madaahi are stones that resemble
So what does Al-Qirasah mean?
According to Lisan Al-Arab dictionary
[1], Book 4, Page 516
دحا (daha): دحّ في الثّرى بيتاً إذا وسعه He expanded the house
دحا (daha): مدحوحاّ أي مُسوّى evened, balanced, equaled, leveled.
دحى (daha):
الدُّحُحْ (al-duhuh),
which is plural of دحى
daha, which means: الارضون
الممتدّة expanded earths.
دحا (daha): الدّواح أي العظيم الشديد العلو al-dawwah is something that is great, extremely powerful, and exalted.
It is the best in its group. Example DAHYA AL-KALBI - Dihya Al-Kalbay,(one of the Prophet's companions). His first name means LEADER, BEST OF THE GROUP, and it is derived from DAHA.
الدِّحْية هو رئيس القوم و سيدهم Al-dihya is the chief of the tribe or the group and the BEST AMONG THEM و سيدهم.
earth is indeed the best planet in our Solar System. It is the only
planet that has water, life and Paradise-like Scenic Views. The others
are dead planets with no life like that of earth's exists on them. See
my notes about this below.
دحا (daha): الدوحة أي المظلة العظيمة Al-Doha, as in Qatar's capital, means a big umbrella.
Encompassing and has plenty - DOHA (Qatar's capital) is also derived from DAHA,
It also means that Allah Almighty Made a protective ceiling or umbrella for the earth, which without it, NO WATER COULD POSSIBLY EXIST ON EARTH!
و بطنٌ مُنداحُ أي خارخٌ مُدوّر His tummy is mun-daahun means it is OUT THERE AND ROUND مُدوّر.
و رجلٌّ دحدحُ اي قصير غليظ البطن A man is dahda-hun which means he is short, stocky and has a big and fat tummy.
الدحداح هو المستدير الململم The dahdaah is the person who is ROUND and STOCKY.
الدِردِحة من النساء التي طولها و عرضها سواء Al-dir-dihati from the women is the one whose height and width look the same! SHE LOOKS ROUND, and the by the way, the distance between the earth's north and south poles is approximately only 45 miles shorter than the earth's width.
Dahaha (دحاها)
doesn't just mean egg. It more accurately means making something
spherical, among other meanings such as pushing something, or causing it
to roll. It also means to expand
Dahaha (دحاها) means expanded, made spherical, balanced, and caused to move.
Earth is spherical and in motion according to the Glorious Quran.
Arabic is a root driven language, and you can base your understanding of a word using its root. You can also understand what message is being conveyed using the root of a single word or a combination of words. You can also get a visual representation of the word using the root. Why? That is the nature and power of the language. That is one reason why it is revealed, and preservation of the recitation is in the Arabic language.
Udhiya and Udhuwa are not root words. Udhiya is simply a singular of Dahyyaat. Udhuwa is the same word as Udhiya. Also, Deheya or Deheyya also means Udhiya. In the Arabic grammar, depending on the position of the word in the sentence, we sometimes substitute the pronunciation of the "y" with a "w". Udhiya and Udhuwa are not two different words. They are the same word. The Arabic word "dahaha" is derived from the root word "dahya" which literally means "egg". Udhuwa is the reference to "dahya". In Arabic, words that are referenced are sometimes written differently. Udhuwa and "dahya" are written differently, but they mean the same word.
The same grammar principle applies to "dahya" and "Udhiya" or "Udhuwa"
copied from
Quoted from Wikipedia - “Plate Tectonics”
of the main points the theory proposes is that the amount of surface of
the (continental and oceanic) plates that disappear in the mantle along
the convergent boundaries by subduction is more or less in equilibrium
with the new (oceanic) crust that is formed along the divergent margins by seafloor spreading.This
is also referred to as the "conveyor belt" principle. In this way, the
total surface of the Globe remains the same. This is in contrast with
earlier theories advocated before the Plate Tectonics "paradigm", as it
is sometimes called, became the main scientific model, theories that
proposed gradual shrinking (contraction) or gradual expansion of the
Globe, and that still exist in science as alternative models (Scalera
& Lavecchia 2006) [2]
Quoted from - Topography of the Terrestrial Surface
The following figure [classifies the Earth's terrestrial surface in to six different categories based on topography. Most of the Earth's terrestrial surface is dominated by relatively flat low and high plains.
The low plains tend to be areas of sediment deposition because of their
low elevation. The high plains can have elevations as high as 600
meters and are more strongly influenced by erosion.] [5]
Comparing with Moon surface:
percent heavily-cratered highlands. 16 percent basalt-covered maria.
Numerous impact craters - some with bright rays, crater chains, and
rilles.] [6]
Comparing with Venus Surface:
[About 10 percent of the surface is highland terrain, 70 percent rolling uplands, and 20 percent lowland plains.] Ref: The New York Times Almanac 2002 By John Wright. Google books.
mentions that he created the Earth of wide plains to simplify for
Mankind to walk and transport over it with less difficulty, and this is
shown that majority of Earth surface is wide plain.
وَاللَّهُ جَعَلَ لَكُمُ الأَرْضَ بِسَاطًا 19 لِتَسْلُكُوا مِنْهَا سُبُلا فِجَاجًا 20
And Allâh has made for you the earth a wide expanse [as a carpet]. (19) That you may go about therein in broad roads. (20) [71:19-20]
وَإِلَى الأَرْضِ كَيْفَ سُطِحَتْ
And at the earth, how it is outspread? (88:20)
4- Earth Geology of “Beds and Mattresses”
It’s well known in Earth Geology that it’s formed of layers called “Beds”.
Quoted From Wikipedia - Bed (geology)
geology a bed is the smallest division of a geologic formation or
stratigraphic rock series marked by well-defined divisional planes
(bedding planes) separating it from layers above and below.
can be differentiated in various ways, including rock or mineral type
and particle size. The term is generally applied to sedimentary strata,
but may also be used for volcanic flows or ash layers. [7]
Allah says the following about Earth formation:
أَلَمْ نَجْعَلِ الأَرْضَ مِهَادًا
Have We not made the earth an expanse [Mehada, Bed], [78:6]
الَّذِي جَعَلَ لَكُمُ الأَرْضَ مَهْدًا وَجَعَلَ لَكُمْ فِيهَا سُبُلاً لَّعَلَّكُمْ تَهْتَدُونَ
Who made the earth a resting-place [Mahdan] for you, and placed roads for you therein, that haply ye may find your way; [34:10]
جَعَلَ لَكُمُ الأَرْضَ فِرَاشاً وَالسَّمَاء بِنَاء وَأَنزَلَ مِنَ
السَّمَاء مَاء فَأَخْرَجَ بِهِ مِنَ الثَّمَرَاتِ رِزْقًا لَّكُمْ فَلاَ
تَجْعَلُواْ لِلَّهِ أَندَادًا وَأَنتُمْ تَعْلَمُونَ
Who hath appointed the earth a resting-place [“Ferashan” Mattress] for
you, and the sky a canopy; and causeth water to pour down from the sky,
thereby producing fruits as food for you. And do not set up rivals to
Allah when ye know (better). [2:22]
word “Mahed” which is translated as resting-place in the above verses,
is the same word used by the people of Mary when they described that
Jesus was so young to talk in the following verse:
فَأَشَارَتْ إِلَيْهِ قَالُوا كَيْفَ نُكَلِّمُ مَن كَانَ فِي الْمَهْدِ صَبِيًّا
Then she [Mary] pointed to him [Jesus]. They said: How can we talk to one who is in the cradle [Mahed], a young boy? [20:53]
And the Arabic translation of this word is the Bed or the Cradle.
والمِهادُ: الفِراش. وقد مَهَدْتُ الفِراشَ مَهْداً: بَسَطْتُه ووَطَّأْتُه. يقال للفِراشِ: مِهاد لِوِثارَتِه.
As shown in the below figure that layer of mattresses is the same used in Earth geological layers, one over one.
the Quranic expression differentiates between 2 expressions the
Mattresses and Beds, as saying that the one that carry what is benefit
for us is the Bed and normal Earth layers are the mattresses, which also
can be used to estimate Earth age, as shown in the below figure:
following verse explains the process done by God which is laying one
layer over another (mattresses) forming the magnificent paralleled
layers of Earth bedding:
following verse explains the process done by God which is laying one
layer over another (mattresses) forming the magnificent paralleled
layers of Earth bedding:
والارض فرشناها فنعم الماهدون (48)
And We have spread out [Farshnaha] the earth, how Excellent Spreader [Mahedoun] (thereof) are We! (51:48)
verb “Frashnaha” in Arabic was not translated exactly in English
translations (spread out), it comes from the noun “Ferasha” which means
“Mattress” literally, that means laying mattresses one over another as
shown in the below figure:
5- Earth being Stable for Human
It’s mentioned that God had made Earth as stable place for human living:
امن جعل الارض قرارا وجعل خلالها انهارا وجعل لها رواسي وجعل بين البحرين حاجزا االه مع الله بل اكثرهم لا يعلمون [النمل: 61]
Is not He (best) Who made the earth a fixed abode (Qarara),
and placed rivers in the folds thereof, and placed firm hills therein,
and hath set a barrier between the two seas? Is there any Allah beside
Allah? Nay, but most of them know not! [27-61]
the word used here is “Qarara”: means being stable and rest in its
place, and such information will not be new for any reader, but there is
an indication to other planets.
Let’s see if they are stable like Earth or not, such as:
The gravity on Pluto is
so weak and equal to 0.06 of Earth’s gravity, that a man, who can jump 3
feet on Earth, will jump 18 m up in the air on Pluto. Imagine how life
will be there, if everyone wants to walk, run, jump or throw something
there, then he will never catch it again, or if 2 cars hit each other by
accident, both will fly into the near buildings !!
The Storms of Saturn speed
can reach 1800 KM/ hour, knowing that Hurricane Katrina was 280 Km/
hour only and did all such destruction, so imagine what a 1800 KM/ hour
storm can do, not only that, but the storm can be of Earth size and it
may stay for complete 2 years long !! [8]
Then now we understand what the meaning of Earth being stable for us, by God mercy.
6- Earth being reciprocal (gravity)
Allah says in the Quran:
الم نجعل الارض كفاتا (77) أحياءً وامواتاً (78) [المرسلات]
Have We not made the earth a receptacle [kefata] (77), Of the living and the dead? (78) [77-25]
And the word Kefata, means literally to hug or to join:
كفت (الصّحّاح في اللغة(كفتُّ الشيء أَكْفِتُهُ كَفْتاً، إذا ضممتَه إلى نفسك
old scholars interpreted these verses that Earth hugs the living humans
on its back or inside it when they die, but after Sir Isaac Newton had
discovered the gravity, then real explanation can be known which means
that Earth is holding by its gravity everything on it, whether living or dead (e.g. human, animal or thing).
7- Earth Great Trench:
We know about the Great Trench beneath Ocean surface that circles the whole land all over the Earth as shown below:
It’s also mentioned in Quran in the following verse:
والارض ذات الصدع [الطارق:12]
And by the Earth of the Rift (Crack, trench). [86:12]
old English translation, they wrote it as “Earth which splits” but they
missed the real meaning which indicates the main trench all over Oceans
floor, which also one of Quran miracles.
pray towards to mecca
According to the holy Qur’an, (Surah al-Baqarah: 115): > وَلِلَّـهِ الْمَشْرِقُ وَالْمَغْرِبُ ۚ فَأَيْنَمَا تُوَلُّوا فَثَمَّ
> وَجْهُ اللَّـهِ ۚ إِنَّ اللَّـهَ وَاسِعٌ عَلِيمٌ
> And to Allah belongs the east and the west. So wherever you [might]
> turn, there is the Face of Allah. Indeed, Allah is all-Encompassing
> and Knowing.
We can pay attention to the mentioned issue according to the issue of Unity. In truth, Muslims must pay attention that there must be an aim behind the issue. In fact, there must be a goal if Allah order us to prayer toward a specific place. Accordingly it could be rational that the significant point of the praying toward the Kaaba is related to the unity of the Muslims. Since as you are aware, as a rule, have the unity will be the cause of the power between different Muslims of the world (in different country).
So, I assume you inquired a very significant issue, since it could remind us not to forget the significance of the unity (Wahdah) between Muslims. by mohamma ali
the Qiblah was just drawing a straight line from where you're standing,
you would have 2 possible directions to pray in. The rule is that you
pray in such a direction, such that if you draw a straight line from
where you stand to the Ka'aba, you should be praying in the direction of
the line which would meet the Ka'aba the earliest (out of the two
possible directions). So you have to be praying in the direction that
would be called as the shortest distance from the Ka'aba.
Look at this picture:
all the green lines meet is the Holy Ka'aba. If you're standing on the
red dot, you would face the direction which is nearest to the Ka'aba
(that is, facing the point where all the green lines meet) and not the
other way around!
basic idea behind the direction is more about obedience, discipline and
unity. It is only natural to find the shortest distance. When a Muslim
makes an effort to find the most accurate direction, that act itself is a
reflection of his faith, whether he/she actually finds the correct
direction is a mere technicality, as this Quranic verse suggests:
is not righteousness that ye turn your faces Towards east or West; but
it is righteousness- to believe in Allah and the Last Day, and the Angels, and the Book, and the Messengers;
to spend of your substance, out of love for Him, for your kin, for
orphans, for the needy, for the wayfarer, for those who ask, and for the
ransom of slaves; to be steadfast in prayer, and practice regular
charity; to fulfil the contracts which ye have made; and to be firm and
patient, in pain (or suffering) and adversity, and throughout all
periods of panic. Such are the people of truth, the Allah-fearing.
to most historians, the original Qibla (direction of Muslim prayer) was
towards the Temple Mount in Jerusalem for the first 13 years of
prophet-hood. The change happened one day during the noon prayer in
Medina, in a mosque now known as Masjid al-Qiblatain (Mosque of the Two Qiblahs). Prophet Muhammad (SAW) was leading the prayer when he received revelations from God instructing
him to take the Kaaba as the Qiblah. The Quranic verse for this
instruction actually suggests that this something the Muslims wanted:
see the turning of thy face (for guidance to the heavens: now Shall We
turn thee to a Qibla that shall please thee. Turn then Thy face in the
direction of the sacred Mosque: Wherever ye are, turn your faces in that
direction. The people of the Book know well that that is the truth from
their Lord. Nor is Allah unmindful of what they do. (2:144)
the Qur’an say the earth is flat? How can a Muslim face the
Visual Observation of the NE Qibla D

Figure of the Earth
“He Who has made for you the earth like a carpet spread out; has enabled you to go about therein by roads (and channels)….” The Holy Qur’an, Chapter 20, Verse 53
carpet mean ‘flat’ ? Carpet takes the shape of the surface below. If
the carpet is put on a spherical surface then it takes the shape of the
sphere, it doesn’t stay flat, does it.
Refuting lies about Islam: Allegation that the Quran says the earth is flat

The Earth
(formed after a splat, is pressed and expanded), and the Bulging Miracle
- Mentioned in the Glorious Quran and confirmed by Science.
The shape of our earth is not perfectly spherical. So when we try to approximate the shape of it, we have to find a appropriate model. We've seen earlier on that such a model can be an ellipsoid. The geoid is a more advanced reference surface which is used to approximate the shape of the Earth and to measure elevations (see orthometric elevation).
Any point on the geoid is subject to the same level of gravity and the earth's geoid is set at the mean sea level.
To compare the difference between geoid and ellipsoid. The deviation between the Geoid and a reference ellipsoid is called geoid separation (N).See figure below.
by: Tom Op 't Eyndt
What The Earth would look like without Waterand atmosphere

earth shape without water look like spherical stones ( pebbles )and egg shaped
Ib and Daha Duhiya:
In Lisan Al 'Arab section دح is expanded here an overview about the meaning of the Qur'anic term.
Ib-1. DAHW: 1. Daha first person. Dahout, yad'hoo inf. N. DAHOO He extended; extend outward or away; expand or extend one thing; and when you mention God and the earth; daha also reads. At first it gives dahaitu. yaad'hae inf. . nDahae: and He (God) made the wide Earth, or large; as explained by an Arab of the desert also mentions an ostrich when it is understood that it extends or expands with his paw or leg, the place where it lays its eggs ... yad'hoo, RN. n. dahwu and also daja; under the authority of 1Abr. (You say, dahaha He compressa, as you also said, dhajaha.) Also hegave or threw and pushed, pushed, remove from its place-a stone, with his hand. It is also said to the one who plays with nuts, "abidil maddha adhhuhu wa", meaning "Take a great distance, and) [the] start". (See also midh'hat in two places. And a torrent we say "dhaha bilbat'hai" It starts (on the soft earth and pebbles in its course; or circulates with it.) And the rain, they say, "Al dhaha hoisted year waj'hil Ardhi": "She circulated the pebbles on the earth's surface", or made them move "(See also daha, in the following article.). And "aldhahwu bilhijarathi" also means the rival, [against its rival], to throw stones, trying to surpass it (by doing so), and also al-Midahath (n- inf. Dahee) ("TA marra yad '. hoo "inf.n. dahow said of a horse: He came rushing with its front legs without much raise the ground hooves." daha'l beats h year "The belly was, or became, wide, and during ; and Indahae (belly) was, or wide soothsayer, or distended: the two mean (belly) swelled and swelled, or bigger, and hung because fat or illness; as also Dhau and Indah (see art dooh..) Ib-2 Mad'han see ud'hiyy. Mid'hat: A wooden thing with which a child walks (yudu'ha) and which, in the past ground sweeps everything that comes against it. A auqeul game Meccans were playing "El-Asadi describe this: Almadahiyy and Almasadiyy signify stones like (small round bread cake called)qursath, depending on the size of the hole is punctured, and expanded a little bit They then throw the stones (yad'hoona biha) to the hole, and if the stone falls on it, the person wins, but otherwise she is overcome: it is said yad'hu and yasdu when it launches the stones ( Iza dhahaha) from the soil to the hole: and the hole is called ud'hiyyath (According to Freytag, the authority of. Diwan El-Hudhaliyin a round thing made of lead, the launch of which people work together to achieve a hole .) .. For Almadhuwwath and almad'hiyyath see Article Dahin.
Critical study of the Qur'ān: IV. Genesis of Earth According to the Qur'an***
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