7 Nisan 2018 Cumartesi

creation in six days ?

Misconception: The Quran says the Earth was created in 6 days

Verses such as 7:54, 10:3, 11:7, 25:59, 32:4, 50:38, 57:4 are often cited, e.g.

50:38 And We have created the heavens and the Earth and what is between them in six periods/days and no fatigue touched Us.

Whilst the Arabic word "yawm" (plural "ayyam") is commonly translated as "day" (as in 24 hour period) this is not its only meaning in The Quran. It has been used to mean: "event, a moment in time" (1:4, 2:48, 2:85, 2:254 etc), "today, this/that day/moment" (2:249, 3:167, 12:54, 5:3, 40:17 etc), "unspecified length of time, days, period, era" (3:24, 14:5, 3:140, 45:14, 69:24 etc). In classical Arabic dictionaries, such as Lane's Lexicon, it is said its primary meaning is "time" (whether little or not).

It should be noted that a 24 hour day is only possible AFTER the earth and sun have been created, not prior, so this interpretation does not fit from the outset.

Also, The Quran clearly implies time is relative [22:47, 32:5, 70:4] and these verses use the word "yawm", confirming this word does not represent a fixed length of time.

An interesting, albeit speculative, argument has been made that despite not knowing the length of time "yawm" refers to in the earth/heavens creation verses, The Quran implies the creation of the earth took two of these periods/yawm [41:9] thus making the age of the earth 2/6 (i.e. one third) of the total age of the universe. The latest scientific estimate of the age of the universe is approximately 13.8 billion years and the earth 4.54 billion years. If we divide these values (4.54/13.8) it results in 0.33 (i.e. one third), which is a good fit.



Meanings of Sama: One of the meanings is absolute highness,Another meaning is just highness,Firmaments,Atmosphere,Also the word Sama as mentioned in some Hadiths can mean: stars; galaxies and clusters.

 Meanings of Ardh: One of the meanings is earth,Another meaning is land,One of the most indications of Ardh is seven Ardhean (plural of Ardh: The interior and lower part of the Universe) Also the word Ardh can mean a field, and a part of the land.  In Arabic, the lower part of anything is called ardh.  For example, the ardh of a vehicle, room and so on is its floor.


Scientific evidence indicates that the universe began around (8 billion-16 billion years ago) from a giant explosion called the big bang(http://map.gsfc.nasa.gov/html/age.html ).  Allâh says: "Moreover, He comprehended in His design the Sama (upper part of universe), and it had been smoke: He said to it and to Ardh (the lower; interior; part of the Universe): 'Come ye, willingly or unwillingly.' They said: 'We do come, in willing obedience'." (Surah 41, Verse 11).  At early stages, the Universe was hot and opaque as indicated by the verse: "and it had been smoke"


Out of this big bang explosion was born mostly hydrogen and helium atoms with a scant amount of lithium: "Do not the Unbelievers see that the Samawat (plural of Sama) and the Ardh were Ratq (joined, coupled), before We Fatq (clove asunder, decoupled) them?(Surat Al-Anbiyaa No. 21, verse 30).
The Arabic word (Ratq), implies that at early stages of Universe, matter used to have smeared and continuous mass distribution, and both matter and radiation were coupled together.  Later on, God clove them asunder (Fatq): Implying that matter had started clumping and holding together to help forming galaxies.  The universe became transparent, and matter is no more coupled to radiation.  Consequently Sama (Upper part of Universe) and Ardh (Interior part of Universe) are decoupled; each into seven distinct and probably concentric spherical shells.

 by Hussain Y.I.R. Omari

In 1915 Einstein proposed that time was relative, that the passage of time altered according to space, the speed of the person travelling and the force of gravity at that moment. Bearing in mind these differences in the passage of time, the period of time in which the universe was created as revealed in seven different verses of the Qur'an is actually highly compatible with scientists' estimations. The six-day period revealed in the Qur'an can be thought of as six periods. Because, taking into account the relativity of time, a "day" refers only to a 24-hour period experienced on Earth under current conditions. Elsewhere in the universe, however, at another time and under other conditions, a "day" could refer to a much longer period of time. Indeed, the word "ayyamin" in the period of six days (sittati ayyamin) in these verses (Qur'an 32:4, 10:3, 11:7, 25:59, 57:4, 50:38, and 7:54) means not only "days," but also "age, period, moment, term."

Age of Universe

The stronger the gravity the slower the time.

Time is relative. We know from Einstein that my clock and your clock will not run at the same rate. Time (or rate of our clocks) depends on acceleration and/or gravity. If my clock accelerates and/or is in a strong gravitational field then it will run slower than your clock. Quran 22.47 compares time on Earth with time at Paradise/Hell (1 day vs. 1000 years). While Quran 70.4compares time on Earth with time in wormholes (1 day vs. 50,000 years).
Moslems believe that Paradise and Hell are both much bigger and much more massive than Earth (but still much smaller than God's Throne). The theory of general relativity says that time passes slower near an object more massive than Earth (clocks run slower in stronger gravitational fields). So according to general relativity, time should pass in Paradise/Hell much slower than on Earth. Moslems say that this is what Allah says. It is stated in the Quran that 1 day in Paradise/Hell measures a 1000 years on Earth.
[Quran 22.47] They challenge you to bring forth that torture [in Hell] and Allah will not break His promise; a day of your Lord [Paradise/Hell promise] is like a thousand years of what you count.

Here God promises those who do not believe in Hell and punishment that each day of their torture in Hell will measure a thousand years on Earth. So according to the Quran, time passes faster on Earth than in Paradise/Hell. But this agrees with the theory of general relativity which says that time passes slower near bigger mass. Paradise and Hell are much more massive than Earth and time should pass there much slower than on Earth.
Christians believe that God created the universe in 6 earthly days and rested on the 7th. Moslems believe that 6 days passed at God's Throne but we experienced 13.7 billion years on Earth. Moslems believe that God is not bound to His Throne; rather He created it and set it as a reference. The Quran says that God's Throne is even wider than the whole universe, so how about the mass of God's Throne? God's Throne is much more massive than Earth. Time should pass there much slower than on Earth.
Our solar system is 4.57 billion years old. Earth started accreting concurrently with the sun and our neighbouring planets 4.57 bln years ago. However the universe is 13.7 ± 0.2 bln years old. This places the age of Earth at one third the age of the universe (4.57 bln/13.7 bln = 1/3). Moslems say that this is what Allah says. The Quran says that in God's Throne time Earth is 2 days old while the Heavens, Earth and everything in between are 6 days old (2/6 = 1/3):

[Quran 7.54] And your Lord, Allah, who created the Heavens and the Earth in six days and then settled on the Throne...
Those six days are on the Throne; so the frame of reference for creation is the Throne, not Earth.
[Quran 41.9] Say: "Is it that you deny Him [Allah] who created the Earth in two days? And you claim others to be equal to Him? He is the Lord of (all) the Worlds."
[Quran 50.38] And we have created the Heavens and Earth and EVERYTHING IN BETWEEN in six days and We were not touched by fatigue.
All those days are on the Throne; the frame of reference for creation is still the Throne. When God says that He created the Heavens, Earth and EVERYTHING IN BETWEEN (including you and me) in six days this means that He is referring to the period of existence. Earth has been in existence for 2 days (out of 6).
Moslems believe that God sustains all living things. And all His commands to the angels to sustain man and animals were inscribed on the Preserved Tablet. The Quran says that not even a leaf would drop on Earth without it being previously recorded on this Preserved Tablet. God says that He inscribed this Preserved Tablet before the creation of Earth started; He answered our prayers today (as commands for the angels on the Preserved Tablet) during the first four days when Earth was still smoke. After this He ordered Earth to form.

[Quran 41.9-12] Say: "Is it that you deny Him [Allah] who created the Earth in two days? And you claim others to be equal to Him? He is the Lord of (all) the Worlds." He set on it (Earth) mountains, and bestowed it with blessings. And [Allah] estimated all its sustenance in four days, equally  for those who ask (prayers) AFTER THIS (Thumma in Arabic) [Allah] commanded the heaven and it was still smoke. He said to it and to Earth: "Come together, willingly or unwillingly." They said: "We do come together, in willing obedience". So [Allah] judged them as seven heavens (one above the other) in two days and revealed to each heaven its orders. And We [Allah] adorned the lowest heaven with lights, and protection. Such is the decree of the Exalted; the Knowledgeable.
God answered our prayers today when Earth was still smoke (the first four days). After this (Thumma in Arabic) God ordered Earth to form. The formation of Earth took two days. So our prayers today are already answered on the Preserved Tablet since before the formation of Earth started. Also in the first two days God judged the seven superimposed heavens and revealed His orders to the angels (as instructions on the Preserved Tablet).
In God's Throne time, Earth is 2 days old while the Heavens, Earth and everything in between are 6 days old. This makes the age of Earth to be one third the age of the universe (2/6 = 1/3). Similarly in Earth time, the age of Earth is 4.57 billion years while the age of the universe is 13.7 billion years; this is also one third (4.57 bln/13.7 bln = 1/3). So it is the same ratio in Earth time or in God's Throne time. The theory of general relativity explains why time at God's Throne passes slower than on Earth. General relativity explains why 6 days passed at God's Throne but we measured it as 13.7 billion years (that is each day at God's Throne measures around 2.28 billion years on Earth). So according to the Quran:

God's Throne > Paradise/Hell > Earth
The smaller the mass, the faster the time.
We are sure that time is relative, that is, the age of the universe is different for observers with clocks running at different rates. For example, there exists an observer who measures the age of the universe to be 3 billion years, however he also measures the age of Earth to be 1 billion years. But the Quran presented it as aratio (1/3) and this ratio turned out to be correct for any observer (whatever the clock rate). If the Quran presented it in any form other than a ratio it would have been wrong for different observers.
Quran 32.5 is time vs. distance; this gives us speed of angels which turned out to be the speed of light. However Quran 22.47 and Quran 70.4 are time vs. time (no distance); this is time dilation. Quran 22.47 compares time of Earth with time at Paradise/Hell (1 day vs. 1000 years). While Quran 70.4 compares time on Earth with time in wormholes (1 day vs. 50,000 years).
(The Christian Bible puts the creation of Earth on day one; making the age of Earth equal to the age of the universe. So the age of the universe according to the Bible is six thousand years).

Age of Universe in Quran - Miracles of Quran

Creation of the Universe - Quran-Islam.org - True Islam**

Quran needs to be understood correctly and not literally translated word by word. Its not a text book of science either but provides ample scientific signs to those who actually ponder upon it.
The word yawm which in some places is translated as day, refers to other meanings as well depending upon in which context it is being used. Stages, period, or phases are some other meanings of the same word. Definition of this particular word is also given at another place within the Quran where its says that our one day can be equivalent to many thousand days for Lord Almighty. Point is, it is not our one 24 hour day which is being referred to when time of creation in mentioned.

Universe made in Six Aeons By Mumtaz Khan - Quran & Science***


different interpretation 1 :

The energy at the moment of the Big Bang slowed down the flow of time
(one million million) times. When the universe was created the speed of universal time was higher up to a million million times, as time is experienced today. In other words, a million million minutes on Earth is the equivalent of just one minute in universal time.
When a six-day period of time is calculated according to the relativity of time, it equates to six million million (six trillion) days. That is because universal time flows a million million times faster than time on Earth. Calculated in terms of years, 6 trillion days equates to approximately 16.427 billion years. This is within the estimated range for the age of the universe.
6,000,000,000,000 days/365.25 = 16.427104723 billion years
Allah, there is no god but Him, the Living, the Self-Sustaining. He is not subject to drowsiness or sleep. Everything in the heavens and the earth belongs to Him. Who can intercede with Him except by His permission? He knows what is before them and what is behind them but they cannot grasp any of His knowledge save what He wills. His Footstool encompasses the heavens and the earth and their preservation does not tire Him. He is the Most High, the Magnificent.
(Qur’an, 2:255)
source :
different interpretation 2;

The word يوم yawm which in some places is translated as day, refers to other meanings as well depending upon in which context it is being used. Stages, period, or phases are some other meanings of the same word. Definition of this particular word is also given at another place within the Quran where its says that our one day can be equivalent to many thousand days for Allah Almighty. Point is, it is not our one 24 hour day which is being referred to when time of creation in mentioned.

At two places Quran has referred to 1 day = 1000 Earth years, and in one place it has referred 1 day = 50000 years (doesn’t specifically says Earth years).

Verse 22:47 - 1 day = 1,000 Earth years اَلۡفَ سَنَۃٍ مِّمَّا تَعُدُّوۡنَ.
Verse 32:05 - 1 day = 1,000 Earth years کَاَلۡفِ سَنَۃٍ مِّمَّا تَعُدُّوۡنَ.
Verse 70:04 - 1 day = 50,000 years یَوۡمٍ کَانَ مِقۡدَارُہٗ خَمۡسِیۡنَ اَلۡفَ سَنَۃٍ.

For the last verse, using Earth years as reference, this makes it 365.25 x 50000 = 18,262,500 years. And taking each day as 1000 years as per verses 22:47 and 33:05, it makes it 18,262,500,000 years.

Scientists have adjusted age of the universe more than once over many decades. 13.8 billion years is only our best scientific estimate yet. And this 18.2625 billion years might refer to something else as well as part of the creation of the universe which science doesn’t have knowledge of yet. Maybe it is the period of maximum expansion of the universe, or some sort of time before the Big Bang happened, or something else.

Quran has very well described the phenomenons, which scientists have started discovering only recently, and this is a proof of its truthfulness and that it is indeed from someone who actually knew what happened in the universe, in what order, and what was going to happen in the future. Instead of objecting on Quran, it is in our own benefit to ponder upon the Quran unbiasedly and benefit from it.

Quran starts the history of the universe from a phenomenon similar to what was discovered in 1950s, and which we know as the Big Bang.
[21:31] “Do not the disbelievers see that the heavens and the earth were a closed-up mass, then We opened them out?”
Heavens and the earth in this context refers to what we now call the universe. The Arabic words used for the closed up mass (fa-ta-qa) and the opening of it (ra-ta-qa), very clearly refer to a concept of singularity and its well planned opening, not some random blast or explosion. Interestingly, this verse is also a prophecy, that it’d be the disbelievers (atheists) who would one day made this discovery. Observe the words of this verse again.
Quran has mentioned the creation of the universe in six stages, not in six days, and has mentioned it in seven different verses. It has also divided these stages further, for those who want to better narrow down their research on these stages of creation. As I mentioned earlier, the Arabic word yawm, which is translated as day has also other meanings, stages or phases being two of them.
[25:60] He Who created the heavens and the earth and all that is between them in six periods, then He settled Himself on theThrone. The Gracious God! Ask thou then concerning Him one who knows.
[11:8] And He it is Who created the heavens and the earth in six periods
[7:55] Surely, your Lord is Allah Who created the heavens and the earth in six periods; then He settled Himself on the Throne.
[10:4] Verily, your Lord is Allah Who created the heavens and the earth in six periods, then He settled Himself on the Throne; He governs everything.

[32:5] Allah it is Who created the heavens and the earth, and that which is between them, in six periods; then He settled on the Throne. You have no helper or intercessor beside Him. Will you not then reflect?
[50:39] And verily, We created the heavens and the earth and all that is between them in six periods, and no weariness touched Us.
[57:5] He it is Who created the heavens and the earth in six periods, then He settled Himself on the Throne.
There can be a long discussion on various signs, hints and directions which these verses provide. But one thing is for sure, they all refer to six stages of creation and a final and last stage of sitting on the Throne.
Please also note where I highlighted the text all that. In English, there is no perfect translation, but the words used in Arabic (wa-ma) include living beings and non living beings altogether, instead of another word wa-min which refers to only non-living things. So these two verses are already pointing out that there is other life as well created in these six stages. Here are couple of other verses which further elaborates that there is indeed life in the universe.

[30:27] And to Him belongs whosoever is in the heavens and the earth. All are obedient to Him.
[37:6] Lord of the heavens and the earth and all that is between them and the Lord of the sun’s risings.
[42:30] And among His Signs is the creation of the heavens and the earth, and of whatever living creatures He has spread forth in both. And He has the power to gather them together when He pleases.
Note that Sun’s risings - the word used is plural of East. In our context it might be referring to other places in the universe where sun rises on some intelligent beings. Sun rising also means these planets are rotating on their axis like Earth.
Also note that the Quran is foretelling us that we’ll eventually come in contact with other living beings in the universe. Exciting, isn’t it?
Now coming back to the original question of six stages, Personally, I believe that these verses refer not only to six stages of creation of the universe itself, but also it is dividing the creation of our particular solar system, and later life on our planet Earth also into six stages. The reason for this is some other verses which give more details of these six stages like following:
[41:10] Say: ‘Do you really disbelieve in Him Who created the earth in two days? And do you set up equals to Him?’ That is the Lord of the worlds.
[41:11] He placed therein firm mountains rising above its surface, and blessed it with abundance,and provided therein its foods in proper measure in four days — alike for all seekers.
[41:12] Then He turned to the heaven while it was something like smoke, and said to it and to the earth: ‘Come ye both of you, willingly or unwillingly.’ They said, ‘We come willingly.’
[41:13] So He completed them into seven heavens in two days, and He revealed to each heaven its function. And We adorned the lowest heaven with lamps for light and for protection. That is the decree of the Mighty, the All-Knowing.

To me this also shows the significance of the number 6, plus a 7th and the final when creation is completed and has start performing its assigned functions or duties. This 7th stage is what the Quran refers to as He settled Himself on the Throne. You sit on a throne, or on the chair of authority and control, when your creation is ready to serve its purpose. Its a metaphorical reference.
Now looking at our current knowledge of the creation of the universe, the following diagram explains it very well.( zeesha a. zakaria)
 Clarifying Issues - Heavens and Earth created in six days?


Chronology of the universe - Wikipedia

 Six Or Eight Days Creation?


How Do We Know The Age Of The Universe? - Forbes

photo by ıliyas islamov

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