"Blessed is He Who made Constellations in the skies, And placed therein a Lamp And a Moon giving light." [Al-Quran 25:61]
*The Arabic word for the sun in the Quran, is shams. It is referred to as siraaj, which means a ‘torch’ or as wahhaaj which means ‘a blazing lamp’ or as diya which means ‘shining glory’. All three descriptions are appropriate to the sun, since it generates intense heat and light by its internal combustion. The Arabic word for the moon is qamar and it is described in the Quran as muneer, which is a body that gives nur i.e. light. Again, the Quranic description matches perfectly with the true nature of the moon, which does not give off light itself and is an inert body that reflects the light of the sun. Not once in the Quran, is the moon mentioned as siraaj, wahhaaj or diya or the sun as nur or muneer. This implies that the Quran recognizes the difference between the nature of sunlight and moonlight.*
Consider the following verses related to the nature of light from the sun and the moon: "It is He who made the sun To be a shining glory And the moon to be a light (Of beauty)." [Al-Quran 10:5]
"See ye not How Allah has created The seven heavens One above another, "And made the moon A light in their midst, and made the sun As a (Glorious) Lamp?" [Al-Quran 71:15-16]
(The word “talaha” (it follows it)(91:2), in the context of “book”, it means “read” or “recite” (e.g. verse 2:44 “while you recite (tatluna) the Book”). According to the context, the moon follows / reads / recites the sun’s brightness (91:2). It implies that the light of the moon is a reflected light; the moon does not have its own light, because the moon “reads” the light / brightness of the sun (91:1-2). Similarly, people who is in darkness (fig. the moon), they may be enlightened by the enlightening Book (fig. the sun) (14:1, 22:8))(So, the Qur’an is in accordance with science) by amin
Another false propaganda. The Qur'an says: "God is the One who made the sun a shine and the moon a light" (Qur'an 10:5).
Commenting on this, Dr. Bucaille says: "Whereas the Bible calls the sun and moon 'lights', and merely adds to one the adjective 'greater' and to the other 'lesser', the Qur'an ascribes differences other than that of dimension to each respectively" (The Bible, the Qur'an and Science, p. 156).
Similarly, the Qur'an says: "Blessed is the One Who placed the constellations in heaven and placedtherein a lamp and a moon giving light" (Qur'an 25:61).
Here again, the difference between the sun and the moon is noted. The sun is called a lamp, and the moon is called an object giving light.
Again in the Qur'an God says that He "made the moon a light" and "made the sun a lamp" (Qur'an 71:15-16). Furthermore, God calls the sun a "blazing lamp" (Qur'an 78:12-13). This term which is used for the sun is never used for the moon in the Qur'an.
In all of these verses, God expresses the notion that the sun and the moon are "not absolutely identical lights" (The Bible, the Qur'an and Science, p. 156).
Dr. Bucaille draws his conclusions from what he found in the Qur'an about the sun and the moon:"What is interesting to note here is the sober quality of the comparisons, and the absence in the text of the Qur'an of any elements of comparison that might have prevailed at the time and which in our day would appear as phantasmagorial" (The Bible, the Qur'an and Science, p 157).
You may read the following parable stated in the Quran to know the difference between light and lamp.
“Allah is the Light of the heavens and the earth. The parable of His Light is as if there were a Niche and within it a lamp: the Lamp enclosed in Glass: the glass as it were a brilliant star: lit from a blessed Tree an Olive neither of the East nor of the West whose Oil is well-nigh luminous though fire scarce touched it: Light upon Light! Allah doth guide whom He will to His Light. Allah doth set forth Parables for men: and Allah doth know all things.” (by assufah )
He bringeth them out of darkness into light
We have sent down unto you a clear light
There hath come to you from God a (new) light
We did reveal the Torah, wherein is guidance and a light
Why is there not a single place where sunlight is described as “munir” or “ noor”??*
The moon reflects the light of the sun - mentioned in the Holy Quran ...***
Re: WikiIslam Quran Scientific Error - The Moon is "Noor", which emits light too***
1. "to receive enlightenment" Hans Wehr 4th ed. page no.1183
2. "accidental light" Lanes Lexicon page 2865
3. "Some said Zia(word used in this verse for sun) means personal light and Noor(word used in this verse for moon) is the light which is not personal.........but its meaning will be reflected light only when it will be compared with Zia." Lughat ul Quran page 1670
4. "Mutakallamin says the thing wich is itself illuminated is Zia like sun and which gets light from someone other is noor like Moon." Riaz us Salikin ( I copied it from Tafseer Anwar un Najaf vol 7 page 147)
Now I quote some of interpretations of Quran indicating that moon is said Noor in the verse because it reflects light from sun.Some references are as:
1. Tafseer e Naeemi vol. 11 page 196
2. Tafseer e Namoona vol. 5 page 41
All the Muslim scholars agree that allah is not NOOR but He is the creator of noor because noor is that body which itself appears,make other appeared but Allah has no body so here noor means CREATOR OF LIGHT OF HEAVENS AND EARTH The word Noor in names of Allah also means BEAUTIFUL. The Hadith of Holy Prophet of Sahih Muslim is its interpretation. (From Tafseer e Naeemi vol. 11 page 200)
Moon Emits Light Reply
Moon light is reflected light
by Saif min Suyufillah
The accusative case (abbreviated acc) of a noun is the grammatical case used to mark the direct object of a transitive verb.Muneer is something or someone directly under the influence of Noor.Muneer is something or someone acted upon by Noor.
Muneer and munawwar are accusative or acted upon,while Noor is Noun.
You may see in the moon light too (Noor up to some extent) ,but again the fact is that it is Muneer,actually acted upon by the light of Sun.
Moon light is reflected light
Did the scientists find a glowing material in the moon? by
Abduldaem Al-Kaheel
Long ago, scientists began talking about an illumination on the surface of the moon discovered that the moon`s surface has a radioactivity which is different from the Earth. That is because Earth is surrounded by a strong magnetic field that saves the Earth from any cosmic radiation. However the moon does not have any atmosphere, therefore, it receives a large amount of electrified solar wind and cosmic radiation. This radiation interact with the moon’s dust and makes it reflect the sun rays more than the rest of other planets, so it seems not only illuminating, but very illuminating!!
Dr. Mark Norman from the University of Tasmania says: We have examined the samples from the moon and find them different from the Earth`s rocks and the most thing that distinguish them is the proportion of glass in the dust of the moon! This glass is 3 billion years and there are no proportion of glass in the rocks on Earth which have the same age .This glass is the reason why the moon seems more illuminating than other planets. Before I continue my discussion with you brothers and sisters, I remember a great Quran verse in which Allah Almighty describes the moon as an illumining object: (Blessed be He Who has placed in the heaven big stars, and has placed therein a great lamp (sun), and a moon giving light)] Al Furqan:61[. It is curious to find some scientists reveal glowing spots on the surface of the moon as it was stated by the BBC News website in an article titled “lights glow on the moon”. Scientists said that the moon is not a dead object as it was believed before; there are radiation activities on the surface. To know more information about this scientific discovery go to BBC News website.
In a new research on NASA site, scientists found that the moon receives a lot of cosmic particles coming from the sun and they are electrically charged. Consequently, the surface of the moon becomes electrically charged at specific times which forms storms of moon`s dust. When sun light (photons of light) fall, it reacts with moon`s dust and glow strongly like an electric lamp receiving amount of electricity!

Recently, scientists found that the moon`s dust is very dangerous because it is electrified; the design of the moon helps to make it an object which is strongly influenced by the sun and seems illuminating. The absence of a magnetic field around the moon and the nature of moon`s soil resulting from the defamation of millions of meteorites, and the distance of the moon from the earth and the sun, in addition to the distinguished composition of the moon`s soil which contains a large proportion of glass! All these factors help the moon to spread large amounts of light, to appear glowing to us. Unlike the Earth which, if we viewed it from the moon side, we will not see it illuminating .This illumination gives the moon a distinctive feature. Scientists have noticed the presence of glowing spots caused by radioactivity on the surface of the moon, thus, this scientific discovery has been stated by the Quran fourteen centuries as Allah Almighty describes it as a glowing body, the Almighty says (and a moon giving light)
This theory of moon formation is the silliest theory in astrology, because of the following unanswered queries:
- How could such huge collision once happened on Earth, and there is not even a single track on Earth, not even a hole or a valley in moon size on all Earth surface ?!
- How did the Earth keep its perfect shape all over its surface with no bending, even on the collision side?
- How it is possible ever, that Earth and Meteor scattered parts will form their own gravity?
- Why didn’t they fall on Earth surface again? But instead, they combined together and formed a new planet !!
And We have appointed the night and the day as two Ayât (signs etc.). Then, We have obliterated the sign of the night while We have made the sign of the day illuminating, that you may seek bounty from your Lord, and that you may know the number of the years and the reckoning. And We have explained everything (in detail) with full explanation. (17:12)
- Since the verse mentions that moon has caused “light therein” (فِيهِنَّ نُورًا), means reflects light into the Sky (heaven), and the light is not emitted by the moon but caused by the moon in the sky (atmosphere).
- Secondly, we all know from physics that light can’t be seen by itself unless it’s reflected on certain surface, and the word used in the above verses is “light” and not “lamp” like the SUN.
- by Abdallah Muslim
Verse (4:174) O mankind, there has come to you a conclusive proof from your Lord, and We have sent down to you a clear light(nuran / quran ) Verse (64:8) Therefore believe in Allah and His Messenger and the Light(nur / quran ) which We have revealed; and Allah is Aware of what you do. |
50 The particle ka ("as if" or "as it were") prefixed to a noun is called kaf at-tashbih ("the letter kaf pointing to a resemblance [of one thing to another]" or "indicating a metaphor"). In the above context it alludes to the impossibihty of defining God even by means of a metaphor or a parable - for, since "there is nothing like unto Him" (42:11), there is also "nothing that could be compared with Him" (112:4). Hence, the parable of "the light of God" is not meant to express His reality - which is inconceivable to any created being and, therefore, inexpressible in any human language but only to allude to the illumination which He, who is the Ultimate Truth, bestows upon the mind and the feelings of all who are willing to be guided. Tabari, Baghawi and Ibn Kathir quote Ibn 'Abbas and Ibn Mas'ud as saying in this context: "It is the parable of His light in the heart of a believer." 51 The "lamp" is the revelation which God grants to His prophets and which is reflected in the believer's heart - the "niche" of the above parable (Ubayy ibn Ka'b, as quoted by Tabari) - after being received and consciously grasped by his reason ("the glass [shining brightly] like a radiant star"): for it is through reason alone that true faith can find its way into the heart of man.
moon split ?***
Vayu Purana I.52.49 “The Moon too moves among the stars that stay in the pathway of heaven (vithi). The increase and decrease of its rays are similar to the increase and decrease of the Sun” Tr. G.V. Tagare, Edited by G.P Bhatt
Brahmanda Purana I.2.23.52 “…The shrinking and lengthening of its rays are remembered as being like those of the sun.” Tr. G.V. Tagare
Linga Purana I.56.3 “The moon traverses in his chariot along with Devas and Pitrs. It has white rays in the form of sparkling water particles.” Tr. Board of Scholars, Edited by J.L. Shastri
Rig Veda 10.12.7; Atharva Veda 18.1.35 “In him the gods find pleasure at the sacrifice; they seat themselves on the altar of the sacrifices, They placed light in the sun; beams in the moon; and these untiring shed their light around.” Tr. H.H. Wilson
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